so upset with myself

Mad Mike

So after 100 days I searched a porn site like an idiot I am so pissed with my self right now I was doing so well. I searched updates on a site I was subscribed to for like 5 minutes and thought what the hell am I doing and left the house. I hope I can get back on the wagon and forget this blip which is quite minor but it pissed me off

Mad Mike

Another thing I would like to add is the pictures of the women were not nude but I count this as a minor relapse due to the fact I searched for p


Active Member
It's OK. You've slipped up but are still very far away from your old behaviours. Look how far you've come in those brilliant 100 days and keep going. It is part of the journey and learning more about yourself.

Maybe you can look upon yourself with compassion. You're certainly not an idiot. What were you feeling? What made you want to do it?



Look forward and not in the past. Learn from your mistakes so that you don't make them again, but do not beat yourself up over this. You can move forward, you have already done great work making it 100 days.

Mad Mike

Thanks guys maybe im been a bit harsh on myself. What caused it was my current low mood, I always depressed around the Christmas period plus an argument with my girlfriend didn't help.  I'm determined im going to beat this and never go back to my old ways. Im also going to take a month or so break from using the Internet as I spend waytoo much time on it, same wwith video games


Active Member
i think is more related to how you deal with this; sexual things are all around us; in films, tv series, basically everywhere sooner or later you will have to face them you did it right; soon you will be looking at those pictures in a healthy way like it should be!!


Mad Mike said:
So after 100 days I searched a porn site like an idiot I am so pissed with my self right now I was doing so well. I searched updates on a site I was subscribed to for like 5 minutes and thought what the hell am I doing and left the house. I hope I can get back on the wagon and forget this blip which is quite minor but it pissed me off
if you are still subscribed, then dont be no more. no porn site subscriptions if you are quitting porn for good guys  ;D

you did very well, your brain is certainly regenerating. your control impulse is stronger now, you are improving. if this happened few weeks ago, im sure you would relapse. no nude pictures and you caught yourself in the pattern and broke out of it. congrats, keep up and dont count it as a relapse!  :)  8)

Mad Mike

I am no longer subscribed to any porn sites nor do receive emails any more. I have deleted everything remotely porn related from my life :)