for us, there is a heathy way to use porn?


Active Member
there is a healthy way for us(porn addicts) to watch porn? or we gonna have to stay away forever!!!!


Active Member
if you're truly addicted to porn then no...

There's no healthy way to use porn just as there's no healthy way for an alcoholic to ever drink alcohol again.


Porn is best, not, understood as healthy or unhealthy, but, rather, as a button we push to get a dopamine high.  If that button produced pain, we would not push it.  If it produced nothing at all, we would not push it.  I put my socks on every day and receive no pleasure from it, but if putting my socks on gave me a dopanine rush, I could easily become addicted to putting my socks on.  Just that simple.  Cause and effect.  Just that simple. 

So, understand, you are not addicted to porn.  It looks like it, sounds like it, and, in the future may effect all five senses, but, really, what you are addicted to is using porn to get a dopamine high.  Now, an addict can choose to use porn to get that high, or, not to use porn to get that high.  That is a personal, and, often, difficult choice, but to you, and everyone else reading this, understand, it is a choice.  But, if one is addicted to porn, then if you choose to access porn, you have no choice in the dopamine pleasure response you will experience.  That is automatic for an addict.  We like what we see, because that visual/audio sensation leads to a sexual thought, and sexual thoughts are, automatically, rewarded with a dopamine hit.  That is Pavlovian for us.  Period.  That "choice", by the way, is not one and done, but, for a newbie, in the very beginning, in the first day, the first week, is a choice that must be made over and over and over, daily, hourly, sometimes by the minute or second.  It is a choice that gets easier.  It is a choice I rarely have to make anymore.  But the choice for me has become easy.  It can for you too.

So, the addiction and the cure are seen as, actually, quite simple.  We are addicted to the thought of sex, as made infinitely available by High Speed Internet Porn.  Simple solution:  Quit watching/accessing that button.  It is going to hurt, but that is the cure.