and the journey goes on...


I am a 24 years old student. I think I am relatively friendly and charismatic. I have good and supportive friends. I workout 3 times a week doing crossfit. My health is good and I don?t really know what else to write so I will move on haha..
By the way, please excuse my English; it is not my native language and if I make mistakes please do correct me.

Past experience ?
As long as I can remember myself, I was masturbating. When I was young, in order not to be caught I would try to climax as fast as possible. I don?t remember when the first time I saw porn was but I guess it was around age 14-16.  When I was 16, I had a girlfriend (let's call her Lisa for the sake of the story), we did not have sex but once we almost had and I climaxed in my pants, I work hard to hide it and get her out of my house. Short time afterwards I broke up with her not in a nice way (I was a child I panicked). The following years I avoided relationships with real girls while cultivating porn use. 

When I was about 20, I met a girl I had a crush on and it was nice but when we had a moment and I felt like kissing her I just couldn?t do it and soon it was over and I didn?t understand what happened. This and few more things got me thinking that I need to change my ways so I start exercising and  lost 20 kg , I thought myself how to pickup girls , all along porn was with me in the background and I didn?t think of it.

Sex and I ?
So I got my first phone number, first kiss, second  I was making progress , I started feeling good about myself I realized I did not love myself back then. I was at a point I felt like needing to ask some people I hurt forgiveness and so forgive myself so I phoned Lisa too, few months later we had sex and she was my first. First time was quick but I did not cared it was cool with her and me. However, I did not want to have sex with her anymore.
Few moths later I met a girl in a pub and week later we met again she came to my place, long story short- while she was naked on my bed I fingered her and then without any physical stimulation I just climaxed. I was shocked and embarrassed. 20 minutes later we tried again, as soon as my pines got into her I was done. I couldn?t really talk I just got shut. There I first realized something is wrong and I need to fix it.

2 years of - 5 more girls that were more or less the same, little bit of depression, avoiding sex (or relationship) with any normal girl, tons of porn, hating myself for masturbating because it feels like I am raping myself .
I had enough of it.

Why I am here ?
For 2 month or so, I tried to quit porn and masturbation in general and failed. I think I am ready now to go the distance to the next step in my journey.  I want to be part of the community and hopefully motivate others one day.
Actions I already took ?
- I gave away my Facebook account.
- I deleted my porn stash.
- I took a decision not to watch porn.
Goals ? (I will make better goals with time)
- Keep on not watching porn.
- Start going to sexologist.
- Create healthy relationship.

That is all for today. I will try to update everyday. hope i didn't write too much haha
Thanks for reading :)


Day 2 ?
hello everybody,
Today I wanted to find me a sexologist. I had the number of my insurance (they give me discount) I was so stressed out from saying "hello I need an appointment to a sexologist" my heart was beating  so fast and I start sweat a lot haha ..

However, I made it! I found a doc in my city and it is not that expensive.  It is a she, I hope it wont be too weird for me, I believe I can handle it.
I am so happy about it! I am making a progress.

I want to share my premature ejaculation with one of my best friends because I want to be free of the secret around it and the shame connected to it.

Some actions I took today-
- I put my laptop in the living room and I am not going to enter it to my room
        anymore( especially when I am going to sleep), same goes for my phone
-      i put this timeline of when i last PMO to my profile

In addition, I have few questions for you guys ?
- Has anyone been to a sexologist? How is it?
- If someone has experienced premature ejaculation and can give me some         
        advices, it would be great.
- There is a girl I met and due to local problems we can meet now but soon, we
        will be able to. I am terrified from thinking about being intimate with her. How 
        should I handle it? When should I tell her I have a problem?
Thanks for reading :)


Active Member
I've only told people when them knowing was important to my reboot (cybersex partners, female roommate, etc.) Obviously a romantic partner would be important, but it'll really be up to you to decide when the right time is. It's a tough call to make, but if she's right for you, then that shouldn't be enough to scare her away. If it does, then it's her loss.

Where are you from/what's your native language? I'm a total language junkie. ;)


Active Member
You seem to be linking your premature ejaculation to excessive porn use and masturbation, is that correct? That's the complete opposite to what a lot of us have.

I think you should keep trying to stay away from porn before seeing some kind of a doctor or specialist. I know when you are worried you want to see professionals and I understand that, but if you watch the videos on the front of this site you will get a lot of information about the issues and see that this is almost completely a mental thing.

Being totally honest with you, if you go to someone saying you have issues with premature ejaculation, they might encourage you to watch porn and masturbate more to dull your senses, or even get a male toy to practice with... nobody on here is going to advocate that course of action.


Day 3-
Today is going nicely , I woke up with hangover (been drinking with some old friends I haven?t seen in a while ) had big breakfast with my buddies and then I had few hours to kill I was thinking about masturbation but I was too tired to really consider it .
I did some volunteer work which made me feel good :)

Moving my laptop to the living room made things much easier for me.
Tomorrow I meet with the sexologist and I am anxious about it.

about your comments-
innergothkid ?
I took you advice about the cyber partners, I had two and I spoke with them. Both were happy for me.
About telling people about my challenges  I think its good for me so I can destroy the shame that surround it all.
And I am from Israel so my native language is Hebrew . Where are you from?

I don?t think what I am having is so different from others around here. I don?t care as much for the fact that I cum fast as I care for the fact I don?t feel anything when I do.

As for porn I know I am trying to quit on and off for two years and I didn?t make real progress up until now.

As for the sexologist, i am not going to try things that will make me feel more numb that I already am. I am not willing to take any medication of things like that. It is not that I am hyper sensitive or something like that, I think I might have some unresolved problems haha

Thanks for you comments guys .


Active Member
Well, shalom! I've lost most of the very small amount of Hebrew that I picked up from friends. I'm from the U.S. myself.

Anders said:
You seem to be linking your premature ejaculation to excessive porn use and masturbation, is that correct? That's the complete opposite to what a lot of us have.

I've been at both extremes. Actually, thinking about it now, the times when I suffered from premature ejaculation were the times that the sex was most extreme, the most novel, or most like the P I was engaging with at the time. It was novel, so my brain probably processed it just like P.

At other times, and certainly the more often occurring of the two, was delayed ejaculation. Or no ejaculation at all.

This is actually quite a revelation for me.

You've only been with each girl once, right? That could be it. It's the novelty. It's just like the novelty you get from watching P. The three times I've had PE were with new people that actually had me worked up like porn does. I've always had DE with someone I wasn't as excited about, or who I was with more than once.

This... explains so much...


Day 4-
Today I met the sexologist for the first time. I was there for about an hour.
There was no new things to learn I need help she offered me 3 diffrents things to do
1. Masturbation practice
2. Medication.
3. Therapy
I agreed to all the above. So I guess I am going to masturbate twice a week but no porn.
I am kind of short with time now..  so  I will update more later? 