At a christmas family party


Active Member
An odd thing happened today..

I borrowed a cousin's phone while we were hanging out at the christmas party.

As he unlocked his phone he handed it to me without hesitation..

I knew as he did that that there was porn displayed on the device so I kind of swiped it off the screen before he realized that I had seen it so it was gone and he didn't have to worry about explaining it. It was a sub conscious gesture to let him think that I hadn't seen the porn.  But I did. It was in my face... I looked at it with a blur. I knew what it was, I knew what he was just watching.

The funny thing is that I had built in an instinct to just blur my eyes when it's in front of me, I don't see it (at least in this instance)

It's a way to eliminate it's effect..

Blur the shit out by unfocusing your eyes.

I'm glad I hadn't reached that point yet before I quit this most recent time and I hope it's a tool that might work in the future.
