Starting again?

Mad Mike

So i spent a few days over Christmas away from my girlfriend and i relapsed after 110 days free of p. My question is will i have to go through the entire reboot process again? Will all the withdrawal symptoms come back in full force? Its only been a day and my anxiety is up already and i slept poorly last night. Im doing everything right to avoid a binge ie spending plenty of time out of the house and off the internet and training hard. I know i can get back on the wagon im just hoping i dont have to go through withdrawls again


Active Member
Hey man. It's a slip. Keep moving on the path and stick to your routine. It's critical you keep to your path and be wary of your thoughts and actions especially. Particularly if you find yourself wanting a chaser or coming back to full relapse. Relax and be kind to yourself. You have done great to do 110 days - that is incredible and a huge achievement. Going back once and slipping isn't good of course but don't use it as an excuse to slide all the way back. We all make mistakes. Keep learning. If you can figure out why at that particular moment what was going on in your life that drove you to wanting porn, that will improve your self insight and self care for the future. What it is; loneliness, boredom, upset, whatever.

I had exactly the same as you when slipping - poor sleep and things being messed up for a few days. But it will calm down in some short time. The most important thing is to stick to your plan. Keep on truckin' buddy.


Mad Mike

Thats a relief! I know when I get back home i can definitely move on from it. I always get low moods around Christmas and arguing with my girlfriend made it worse this year. Being at my mothers for Christmas means i have less to occupy me so that also contributes to the relapse


Active Member
I think as long as you are learning and growing, that is the main thing. You realise what things trigger you or make you more vulnerable and then plan your life in future to fill those needs in more healthy ways or avoid such situations by thinking ahead. That is possible for a lot of situations but not everything. Then different techniques apply so you can be more self aware and head it off before you end up in front of a computer or smartphone. Again, be kind but don't let yourself off completely. Get the right balance.

Also doing a reboot by itself isn't enough to solve problems with compulsive sexual behaviour. All it does is give your mind a body a rest from that behaviour so you can put more positive habits in place, change your life and have a chance it will stick. It is a tool so you can start to see your reality and life more clearly without sex or masturbation being a crutch for your life.

Peace brother and hang in there.