You have hit the nail on the head, Bibbity!
Dave in that story is a stand in for all of us insanely stupid men. It has taken me a long time to realize this in myself. Dave is all about clothes, make-up and hair style. Maybe he should just get it on with a curling iron!
Within certain limits (say poor hygiene -- showering is still a good thing!) what does appearance have to do with performance in anything? We men must completely insane to think that a naive 19 year old girl can do more for us than a 50 year old woman with 30 years of experience pleasing men. Totally crazy. To put it bluntly, even when we are with a partner, most men are just masturbating. Your pretty face and smooth skin get me off. We would almost be better off alone with porn! Surely Dave and every guy like him would.
Hopefully this is not TMI, but my SO combines enthusiasm with imagination in a way I would have never thought possible. She makes me feel good in ways that are completely unique and wonderful. And when play time is over, I marvel at her skills and commitment to her job, community projects and so on. I am just so proud of her, I could burst.
And I will say, her appearance does not match any of my former porn "ideals." And once in a while my lizard brain reminds me of this. But I now tell my lizard brain to STFU, because she is amazing in every way that really matters.
But don't blame all of us men, even normally sexist punk bands get it very right sometimes!