How to stop parenting


Active Member
So I have been working hard at not falling into the parenting behavior. My partner has made a lot of progress over the past six months of being clean, but he definitely struggles with ... real life responsibilities at times.

Over the past six months he has started to pull his weight in terms of house chores, and that has been amazing to see. However, financially, I feel he sometimes still struggles. I've been the one that keeps track of when bills are due and trying to actually calculate how much I have in the bank, and then I go through the bills and other budgets to see if I need to watch my money that month or relax a bit because I have money left over.

I am 23 and he is 22. We still get financial help from our parents for things like school and doctors. His therapist costs $75/session. My therapist costs $25/session. His dad agreed to pay for his therapy and well, my partner struggles A LOT to ask his dad for money, even though the dad made it clear he would cover therapy.

His therapist likes being paid that day, my therapist sends a bill at the end of the month. My partner owes his therapist for 3 sessions. I was just wondering if there was any way I could not parent him into being financially responsible, but encourage him to keep track of his money and bills better.

This is our first year financing and there's definitely a learning curve. But if anyone has any advice on how to encourage someone to keep better track of dates and money that would be appreciated.


Active Member
Not keeping up payments on his therapy sessions is a little bit disturbing. Is therapy truly a priority for him or is he actively trying to get dumped by his therapist? Just a bit of a red flag.


Active Member
We are quite tight on cash, and honestly that therapist isn't working. The therapist sits there and nods and doesn't offer much feedback, and for $75 an hour, to me it's a waste. We decided that he should see a different therapist and one that takes insurance. His dad said he would cover them, but his dad got annoyed when my partner asked for the money, so that is another reason we agreed a therapist that takes insurance would be better.