A EasyPeasy method NOT based on WillPower.

Frank123 said:
the chapter 3-22 speaks of the supposed chapter 28. but ends in 3-23. someone who has finished it could tell me why?

The book isn't perfect. No professional editors have been paid to review the text.

I doubt that anything important is missing.
I've PMO'd three times since I finished reading the book, and I've MO'd one time. Despite this, I've also been absolutely determined that I am going to stop this addiction once and for all.

After my first 'post-reading' PMO, I decided I needed to go through the book again. The problem is that I didn't have the time or patience to read it again. Therefore, I began looking for a 'Text-to-Speech' application, that I could use to read the book aloud to me. I found a free application for linux called 'espeak.' Using espeak, I have been able to have the book repeatedly read to me. Whenever I am at home, working on my computer, I listen as espeak reads the book to me.

Since I began listening to the book, I've noticed that some additional brainwashing has been purged from my mind. Despite this, I still managed to PMO 2 more times, and MO 1 time. But I haven't given up, nor have I become discouraged.

Yesterday, on the way home from work, I began to think about how ludicrous it is that I should PMO, just because I'm wasting time on Youtube. How silly this is, when I know full well that PMO does nothing for me, and is utterly unappealing! It really makes no sense. If PMO does nothing for me, wasting time on Youtube should not prove tempting.

When I got home, I went on-line and found no temptation. I then took a nap. While napping, I kept dreaming about the topic. While I can't recall the exact details of the dreams, I know that they were related to the absurdity of finding PMO tempting, while at the same time knowing it does nothing for me.

At this moment, I feel I'm on my way to a breakthrough. It seems that because of my stubborn persistence, that the last of the brainwashing is breaking. I sense that I'm on the way to truly finding quitting easy. It's time to listen to the book some more!
Since my last post, I've viewed porn four times. Two of those times I also masturbated. But the great news, is that I managed to walk away all four times without an orgasm! This is great news, although viewing porn four times was obviously less than ideal.

The reason why, I believe I was able to walk away four times without an orgasm, is primarily because of the book. I believe it's mostly because the book has cleared the brainwashing out of my mind. But also, I believe this was due to my increasing determination to stop this habit.

I think I have to disagree with original author, Allen Carr, and the hack-author, le_petit_moster, that willpower is not required. By suggesting that willpower is not needed during the withdrawal period, I feel I was set up to fail. It's true that if my life was wonderful and full of activities, that I could probably just keep my mind busy, and thereby avoid thinking about PMO. However, my life is dull, and I end up sitting in front of my computer alone far too often. Then, when sitting at my computer alone, my brain seems to want to keep checking my Youtube recommendations, to see if anything 'risque' appears. Ultimately, I've given in to temptation now four times, simply because I was not passionately determined to exert self-control while on Youtube.

The book does talk about whether or not to avoid temptation, but it's really not a practical possibility for most people to avoid the PMO temptation, unless they plan to go on an off-grid camping trip, or are not crafty enough to find nudity despite a porn-blocker. For me, because I have investments to manage, I simply cannot go off-grid. Also, isn't taking steps to avoid temptation somewhat akin to using will-power?

So, all things considered, I've come to a conclusion. I conclude that, once the brainwashing is cleared out of our heads, that willpower becomes possible. Whereas, without first clearing the brainwashing, willpower is hamstrung. Now that I've cleared the brainwashing out of my head, and am convinced that there is no way for me to succeed other than the hard way, I am passionately determined to discipline myself to stop this addiction once and for all.


I personally skipped around to the chapters I was the most interested in reading. To be honest, I relapsed maybe a few hours ago and was getting withdrawal pangs. I used some of the ideas in the book and I notice a fairly immediate difference. I know you suggest not stopping until you finish reading the book, but I was never one to follow rules.
TheGreenWizard said:
I personally skipped around to the chapters I was the most interested in reading. To be honest, I relapsed maybe a few hours ago and was getting withdrawal pangs. I used some of the ideas in the book and I notice a fairly immediate difference. I know you suggest not stopping until you finish reading the book, but I was never one to follow rules.

The book is full of truth. Our minds are full of lies. One reading is probably not going to do it for most people, IMO.
I feel the need to post an update on my experience thus far.

I know what the "Little Monster's" cravings feel like. As the author(s) describe: "...an empty insecure feeling started by the first visit to an online porn site and perpetuated by every subsequent one..." It's definitely not the same feeling as the "withdrawal pangs" caused by the brainwashing. It feels to me like an anxiety-filled craving. I don't think I've ever been able to distinguish this feeling so clearly as I am now. This tells me that I've purged so much of the brainwashing, that I'm now able to feel my brain's dopamine cravings. They are not fun, but obviously aren't as bad as the "Big Monster" cravings.

The past few days were really easy. I was feeling that "Little Monster" craving, but I was avoiding giving in to it with little difficulty. Still, it was alive. It hadn't left me. I also clicked on a racy music video on Youtube. Thankfully it was just a still image, and not a series of clips, but still, seeing what I saw can only serve to keep the Little Monster alive.

Then this morning, I PMO'd. I was experiencing frustration over my lack of success towards my financial goals. I was also feeling like dating, and by extension sex, was a long way off for me. I felt I don't have the time for dating, nor the money. I also was disappointed with my confidence level, which was not improving much day to day, despite me not having had an orgasm for quite some time, and not having viewed porn for several days. I kept expecting better interactions with women, yet I was not up to the task emotionally. Despite all this, I knew that PMOing wasn't going to help with these things. I knew it wouldn't solve anything. I knew it wouldn't provide any relief, or boost. Despite all of the brainwashing related to supposed benefits of PMO, I knew that it wouldn't help, yet I PMO'd anyway.

As a result of today's PMO session, I now recognize why the hack-author felt it necessary to talk so much about amative sex. Initially, I supposed that it was just filler, or that it was representative of a certain perspective on sex, and that I could take it or leave it. Now, I realize that it was added because a large part of quitting PMO, is about accepting the fact that we may no longer be having regular orgasms. Somehow I've missed absorbing a lot of what the hack-author was saying, probably because I just didn't think it was relevant.

From the book: "Phase 1: How can I survive without PMO?
This fear is that panicky feeling the PMOer gets when they are alone in a single phase or have
an asexual, uninterested or unavailable partner. The fear isn't caused by withdrawal pangs but is the
psychological fear of dependency - you cannot survive without sex and orgasm. It actually reaches
its height when you are on the verge of quitting (I won?t use giving up); at that time your
withdrawal pangs are at their lowest. It is the fear of the unknown, the sort of fear that people have
when they are learning to dive.

You see, I have this mistaken belief that PMO, or MO, somehow compensates for me not having regular sex. It's as though I think, "I'm not getting sex, but I'm still seeing naked people, and having orgasms, so while it's not as good, at least I'm getting something." But this is just another level of brainwashing. Thankfully, I think it's some very base-level brainwashing, which means I'm getting through to the end of it. Anyway, the point is that a large part of this process is accepting that it might be a long time before I see a naked woman again, and it might be a long time until I orgasm again. Facing this reality is difficult, but only because of the brainwashing. The belief that PMO gets us "closer to sex" than not PMOing, is false. PMO actually takes us further away from having sex. PMO makes us less attractive to the opposite sex. Truly, stopping PMO will make us more attractive, and if we are more attractive, our chances of having an orgasm, and seeing a naked woman, increase. Therefore, in order for me to fully walk away from PMO, I need to use the book to help me purge the brainwashing that suggests that PMO is a substitute for sex, because it's not.

The idea that wrapping your hand around your member, and beating it off, somehow gets you closer to having sex than you would be by being celibate, is a big-fat-filthy lie!
I'm so incredibly sad right now...  :'(  I PMO'd again...

I PMO'd despite me believing that I've purged all of the brainwashing (Big Monster.) I know that PMO does nothing for me. I know that orgasms are not necessary. I've even been telling myself repeatedly that I'm content with not having orgasms. I really don't think that there is any more brainwashing to clear out... I've listened to the book from beginning to end, at least a dozen times, probably more. :(

I think it's just the "Little Monster" and my "Habitual Responses" that are causing the problem. I don't know what to do about them. I'll be sitting at my computer, feeling bored, depressed, or frustrated, and even though I know PMO does nothing for me, I go down that same old road.

The hack-author does mention an exercise that I have not tried:

Refer Maxwell?s book ?The New Psycho Cybernetics? Ch 12. Get this mental picture clearly in your mind, for it can be quite helpful in overcoming the power of external stimuli to disturb you. See yourself sitting quietly, letting the phone ring, ignoring its signal, unmoved by its command. Although you are aware of it, you no longer mind or obey it. Also, get clearly in your mind the fact that the outside signal in
itself has no power over you, no power to move you. In the past you have obeyed it, responded to it, purely out of habit. You can, if you wish, form a new habit of not responding. Also notice that your failure to respond does not consist in doing  something, or making an effort, or resisting or fighting but in doing nothing - in relaxation from doing. You merely relax, ignore the signal, and let its summons go
unheeded. The telephone ringing is a symbolic analogy to any and every other outside stimulus you might habitually give control over to and now choose to very intentionally alter that habit.

Other than that, I'm not sure how I'll proceed...

Previously, I summarized the book into four steps, though I didn't post them here:

#1 - Clear the brainwashing
#2 - Make the decision to stop.
#3 - Have absolute faith that you will succeed.
#4 - Rejoice always.

Perhaps I'm too focused on the "Little Monster" and that's why I keep failing. Perhaps I'm also failing on #3.

The book says repeatedly that "it's ridiculously easy to quit PMO." I agree that it should be.
I just found this "guided meditation" on Youtube:


It fits right in with the hackbook's teaching, that fear is the reason we stay trapped.


New Member

I almost dropped this book when it insisted on reading *every* chapter. The writing isn't the best, there have been instances when I had to reread a paragraph to understand the message. Despite my initial reservations, I pursued because the book was free. If money was involved, these claims of "no willpower" "instantaneous results" and other incredulous claims would have turned me away. It didn't and so I dove in.

What a journey it was.

I still can't get over how simple the solution is. I thoroughly enjoyed very much on how the author characterized big monster and little monster. I visualize the big monster as a shapeshifter that casts illusions. It is dangerous because it doesn't need the little monster to survive, all it needs is a smote of faith that PMO has a beneficial component. When that poor man inevitably PMO's again the small monster is resurrected and the shackles are donned once more.

Reading this book provided the antitoxins, exercises, and CONFIDENCE to eradicate that mind virus. I PMO'ed while reading this book, the more I read, the more self conscious I was. There was a point I was so desperate to finish the book because I wanted to be liberated from that existential pain. Before I declared I quit, I had doubts. Not in the material though.

This is what I wrote in my notes.
I am worried my declaration will be insincere. Doubt keeps the big monster alive. I am afraid of riding the current (toward a life without PMO). Stepping into the unknown. I feel that I won't be the same person. I am reluctant to abandon this drug-addled form. I don't know the future, I don't know where this new me will lead.

This is what I know. This new me WILL NOT BE A FUCKING PORN ADDICT!! That alone is worth the transformation.

It has been 10 days so far. I report not so much elation but confusion. I've been triggered multiple times (stressful day at work, apartment to myself, etc) and every time I feel that dopamine craving (little monster) however there is no push from the mind virus (big monster) to indulge. I always respond "I don't do that." "I'm not an addict.""Thank god I'm not wasting my time anymore."  I use to mentally fight these cravings like its pro wrestling but now I knock them aside with minimal force. My dread of relapse is slowly evaporating because these triggers are becoming less virulent. At least so far.

I think this second and third week will be the real test though. Allegedly there will be a moment I will experience a "revelation" much like Dufrane escaping prison in Shawshank Redemption. I'm not expecting it but I can't entirely deny it either. Is it the moment when the little monster dies without the big monster's necromantic magic?

I love this book and I wish it was more popular among the nofap/noporn communities. The "willpower method" is such sentimental, ego-driven nonsense. It might be a relic of this stupid "puritan work ethic" that is so pervasive in western societies.

People think quitting porn must involve struggle and hardship, blood and tears, but after persistence and "force of will", the cravings will magically go away. It's no wonder the failure rate is above 99%.


Well-Known Member
Read the book. Loved it, explained a lot. That said i ended up relapsing to a really unfortunet trigger on fb, literally a girl wearing nothing. bad excuse i know. That said when i relapsed what i felt went against what i read in the book. i got pleasure from it, and did so the following few times. For me it doesn't feel as simple as ''porn provides no pleasure or release". Granted, upon bingeing off a relapse i do feel shit. I've only ever felt really bad after a long streak of being porn free... it feels great but the depression and mostly shame sets in. Anyways ive had a hard time getting back on board after that slip. i was so convinced my mindset was unbeatable. That picture i saw really set me off, i'd seen many sexual images online before or in a tv show which i easily ignore but it was the sort that really catered to what i'd probably hit one off too. It's really hard to get back into the swing of things. So depressing seeing i've been 'on' this forum (allbeit not active for 4 years or so...) but 5-6 years... still here though. ED and the lot.


New Member
Is there a way to download the book for offline reading?  I'd really like to look at it offline.  Thanks to anyone who can answer this. 


New Member
This is the only method that has helped me, but I feel like it doesn?t go far enough. That being said I think everyone struggling on this site should read this book.


@le_petit_moster are you the author of the book? I need your advice, I feel like this is the way to go because some years ago I used Allen Carr's method to stop smoking and it did work, even if I smoked cigaretts sometimes here and there I never got hooked again. I read your book but I relapsed after 12 days hard mode, I wasnt really horny but I was feeling lonely and depressed and the dopamine rush seemd to "fix" my mood.. Im 25 and Im overall healthy, I dont have pied, don't smoke, dont drink, I do sport, but i feel really down beacuse I never had a relationship. I really liked your book and I'd love if you could give me some advice.