Why I will succeed this time


I am going to do this in a different way then I did in the past because those times I have failed.

What I will do different this time:

1. Keep a diary EVERY DAY om this site.

2: don't stay an entire day inside ( I tend to be a recluse sometimes )

3. Truly believe that this will be the attempt that will succeed, don't talk myself down. And don't make excuses to fall back in this addiction.

4. Be aware of cravings and choose an activity to do when the craving is high.



Day 1

I feel good, it's time to kick this addiction out of my life. It has been too long and I have wasted enough time on it. I have a new plan to beat this.

The craving isn't very strong right now, usually it really kicks in around day 4/5 so I have to stay alert for that.



Awesome stuff Martin, that list seems like a really great way to make sure you stay on track. This reboot for me Ive definately found staying regularly on the forums journaling is a great motivator. All the best!


Hey xyz, thanks for your support!

Day 3

I woke up really wanting to watch p. But I didn't, instead I jumped under the shower.
The rest of the day is pretty busy so that's good. No chance for those cravings to take over.


Active Member
Make a list of the ways you see your life being better without porn addiction, and keep that handy so that you can look to it every time for feel an urge to PMO


That's good advice rebootrapp!

Day 5

Definitely feeling some craving today, I keep thinking about certain p stars and scenes and it's just very difficult. I have to stay active, otherwise the need to watch p is too strong.
