My Long Journey to Recovery

Hi i have been battling this addiction for over 2 years and i want to get it fixed this is going to be my journal that i post everyday to my road to recovery

Day 1 - went to gym did homework

no PMO

today i was a bit sluggish had a huge assignment due today and was up all night doing it.
didn't do any sports today kinda just hung out with the GF

day 2 was a success on the no PMO.
day 3

today i went to school and got my mid terms back didn't do as well as i wanted on them. after i was done class i play volleyball from 7pm till 1am it was alot of fun. After wards i went to bed

and day 3 was completed
Day 5

today was a harder day i was home alone after a night of drinking gf was at work and i got onto thinking in my head about things which let me to going on the internet and what i was sadly looking for. unfortunately i am now back at square one starting Monday on a fresh start and gonna try and do better this time. my biggest issue is once i get the idea in my head i cant think about anything else doing this makes me distracted and now able to do homework or concentrate at all. then once i do the Big O i feel ashamed for what i did and i waste 2 hours trying to the find the right material to use which could of been used for studying or doing other things !!!!

but tomorrow a new day and its time to start the week on a strong note

so let all kill it this week and accomplish the goals we set out to achieve
Day 1
today was a super long day i went to school from 8am to 1130pm but becasue i was at school so long there was no chance of relapsing also got alot done during my time there

day 2 - today was valentines day. i worked on some work then went and got a pizza with the girl friend and a bottle of wine it was a nice night and no relapsing again

day 3 - did a bunch of homework today and got ready for a test i have to write tomorrow hoping to do well i been crazy busy lately trying to do well in school and hoping its gonna pay off #engineeringlife

End up Relapsing 2 days in a row, i felt shitty last night and ended up using porn to make me feel better and in the end it only made me feel worse fuck i need to quit doing this