who has porn hocd?????

After years  of porn desentization  I watched about everything and now its gay porn still recovering though bout to start the reboot!!!! let me know if your dealing with this or something similar


its a normal thing for your tastes to change and morph into things that you dont want, and feel incredibly sad/ anxious about.
this is just a part of the disease that is porn addiction. it really is a disease. its done it to me just in different ways.

your brain seeks novalty over and over again. so things that got you off before just dont anymore and your brain seeks more intense and hardcore or tabboo material.... now obviously homosexual porn isnt tabboo or anymore hardcore then regular porn. but for you and your brain it gives you that novalty and satisfies your addiction.

its a hard thing to get past but what you must realise is unless deep down you may be attracted to men. the addiction has manifested these issues. its your brain seeking that rush and dopamine that this type of porn or genre is giving to you.

for alot of people its another issue in the long list that effects us day to day. but just keep a clear head, and tackle the addiction on a whole. and once you are in recovery or porn free for however long you WILL see those tastes vanish or greatly decrease.


Yes indeed it led me to a gay sexual encounter that I will regret for the rest of my life. Porn is evil and it will have you do very bizarre things. I let this gay guy suck my dick after watching porn and it was the most unpleasant feeling.