40 days PMO free update


Hi guys,
Well I never thought I would make it this far,what can I say The year before I started my reboot I have been Pmoing with decreasing erection and libido,basically I would orgasm without being hard,pretty bad state.I guess giving this up was pretty easy because I was pretty much way over porn it didn't do nothing for me at the end.
So the first 2 weeks were smooth sailing,no urges to pmo,is that normal?I felt great I gave up alcohol and stared exercising everyday now I feel good about myself and confident.I have been wakeing up in the middle of the nite with wood,and noticing semi In the morning.Libido is nothing at all and I have dead Dick with no spontaneous erections yet,but sometimes it looks like it's not shrivelled much as it was.I been flirting with a girl the other day work I gave her a big hug,I deff felt a little bit of life down Their witch is maybe a good sign,I had a semi this morning thinking about kissing my ex.Days 25 to 40 massive depression and anxiety,high stress levels at work I had a couple of panic attacks,a a very angry person haha.
I know I got a long way to go.I do I do notice girls look at me now a lot more also,I'm a skydiving instructor so I deft notice I'm getting more attention then when I was fapping  500000 times a day
Sucks but the girl at work said she really likes me a lot but has a bf that's never their.Fuck it what ever happens happens I must master this first