scorpion1386 said:
Death Trap said:
Of course everybody has different symptoms, since we all have unique psychological makeups.
even when it comes to PIED/flatline, people experience it very differently or get PIED differently?
. I think so. Remember that it has to do a lot with your overall health.
You guys aren't really asking yourselves the right question though. One of the things you notice when you reboot, is that you're not giving anything up when you quit PMO--at least, not anything that you want. What you are giving up is all the negative consequences on your mind, mood, body, mental health, etc., which become much more clearer in focus when you quit doing that behavior. The question becomes: why in God's name was I PMOing to begin with? How did I live with those horrible consequences? Thank God I don't have to do that anymore, and can just deal with the relatively minor problems that come along from rebooting, like "flatline", etc. Flatline is nothing compared with the brain fog and depression a lot of us (not to mention a not insignificant number of men are looking at gay porn when they are putatively straight) get from daily PMO use. The point is that those latter things vanish from your life, leaving you much more fulfilled automatically.
If I'm not making myself clear here, I'll just again reiterate: all you're giving up when you reboot is the horrible symptoms, whatever those are, that daily use gives you. If you weren't suffering those negative consequences, there'd be no reason for you to be here, would there? So, all you have to do is stop engaging in that behavior, and move forward dealing with more important questions and problems in life.
Oh, and the best thing is: when you conquer a problem in life, especially a really hard one like this, you get power, confidence, a feeling of fulfillment, etc. I felt amazing when I quit smoking cigarettes, my life became immediately and automatically much better. The same is true when you quit PMO. You just have to make the correct decision, based upon a critical examination of your own life.