& here I go again...


New Member
I'm taking another shot at rebooting after numerous failed attempts. I don't think that I have ever made it past three weeks since I began trying no PMO maybe a year ago... I think I first heard about YBOP a little over a year ago. Anyways, it's always a feeling of being in my bed way past bored or being under the influence of some substance, which is an entirely different issue I should be addressing. I will say that since I became serious about no fapping and no porn that whenever I do break stride its only for a night. I'm kind of proud about that considering, this use to be an every day and night thing for me since I was about 17 or 18, I'm now 23. I found myself having a really tough time naturally attaining and sustaining an erection, PE, and just thinking about porn and sex extremely too much. I've always been the shy-over-thinker in social settings but I feel like since becoming an adult it seems to have gotten way worse ! I haven't read too many research articles or fellow journals however, I intend to. Plus, I get the gist of this here situation I have on my hands, literally ! Here goes nothing....


I wish you all the luck in the world, brother.
I'm very new to this and it's my first go round but surprisingly I'm finding it very easy if my mins is 100% occupied.
When you're lying about feeling bored, why not visit a website based on things you're interested in and start reading? For me, it's music festival websites and gaming news, I keep it all unread until I'm bored and feel urges. That way I have so much more to read and keep myself occupied with.

Once again, good luck!