Caffeine Allergy, severe toxicity and increased sexual urges


Respected Member
So the titles a tad long winded and i'm probably in the wrong place but anyone have any ideas on caffeine allergy and sexual urges caused by toxicity?

I have asked about caffeine and dopamine before but I think that if your allergic to caffeine there is more going on.

I'm reading a book by Ruth Whalen: Caffeine Allergy - A masked cereal allergy and progressive toxic dementia. Apparently the longer a person is exposed to caffeine the greater the chances of become allergic to caffeine. Now I have drank so much coffee, tea and coke to fill an olympic swimming pool.

I started to link caffeine to my ocd, depression and suicidal when I noticed that when I was hungover (I wouldn't touch caffeine) I would actually feel pretty good in the afternoon How could this be I would think to myself.

The other day I had a great morning, I felt awesome, I thought 8-days porn free, this feels great, but I realised the day before that I had only three cups of tea and no coffee. I don't know how long brain serotonin takes to synthesis but i'd bet it's somewhere in the region of 24hrs.

Of course feeling awesome that day I drank so much coffee the following day I could barely get out of bed.

Buy where does porn fit in here? When i'm toxic with caffeine and this ocd, depression, suicidal thoughts are heightened my urges are strongest and that's when pmo, for hours, to feel normal.

Why not give up caffeine? I can't, in fact I found giving up cigarettes easier. I have read that for the caffeine allergic person that caffeine relieves the symptoms that it causes ie. Caffeine relieves my ocd, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Caffeine allergy is rare but if I am allergic to caffeine and toxic with caffeine with increases sexual urges this is not going to help rebooting.



I'm interested in the dopamine effects of caffeine too. I am finding it impossible to give up caffeine, Giving up PMO Social media and sugar are a sinch compared to caffeine IMO.

Caffeine stimulates dopamine, but i think it is different to porn, in that it is kind of a single release that lasts over a longer period, then diminishes, unlike porn which is continuous and repeated high strength surges, I'm not an expert, I'd like to learn more.

Maybe I will find it easier to give up caffeine once I am further into my PMO journey (10 days currently, first time trying)

I'm currently drinking just one cup of coffee a day just to give me a little pick me up as i feel like utter shit at the moment!