I wanna stop my addiction


I heard of this site and the help it can provide
I am definitely recognizing my addiction and i want it to stop.  It has led me to many physical problems.
But where do i start and how do i make it through??

Do i have to cut it out completely from day one or does it help to reduce slowly?

Welcome brother. The current consensus is to completely eliminate porn and all sexual fantasy and either completely eliminate masturbation and orgasm or heavily reduce them both for at least 90 days.  Once you feel "rebooted" and can respond to light touch etc it is recommended to "rewire" to the real deal, with a real girl.  Kissing, cuddling, holding hands and sex are all good for rewiring and can be done throughout the reboot too.

To arms! This beast isn't easy to tame. Good luck my friend, oh and stick around these parts, lots of good people and advice.


The three most powerful words I thought in ending my addiction were "I am addicted."  You acknowledge this, so you have taken a huge step toward fixing the problem.  It takes humility to quit porn addiction.  You have to understand you cannot control the addiction, so to overcome it, you must totally eliminate it from your life.  You cannot keep porn in your life and overcome porn addiction.  It is not possible.  But, there are guys who still try.  They are destined to fail.  A porn addict cannot keep porn in his life and overcome the addiction.  It is all or nothing, it is black and white, there is not grey area; you either keep porn in your life and stay addicted or your eliminate it and get free.  You are either a slave or a free man.  I invite you to this side of free. 

There are three things you must do:  Get Educated, Get Tools, Learn to Love Withdrawals. 

The education.  There is a very small, understandable, manageable solution to porn addiction.  But to use it, you have to understand the small, understandable, manageable cause of porn addiction.  On the homepage here in this forum, on the right side, about 1/2 down, you will see a link to Gary Wilson's Great Porn Experiment video.  Most important video I saw in my recovery.  Watched it, and I don't think I watched porn again.  Watch it, understand it.  Porn is a button we push to get a dopamine high.  Dopamine is the best drug in the world, we love it, but it comes to cause problems.  You have some of those.  Understand what you are fighting before you start to fight it.  Study the enemy.  Know what you are up against. 

Get tools.  Install K9 or porn blockers, put obstacles between yourself and porn, make it difficult to access, put up road blocks that prevent you from accessing it, yet remind you you are quitting. 

Set a goal.  I suggest your goal be the total eradication of porn consumption in your life...forever.  Go big or don't go.  Ask yourself what value porn has for you.  If you want to repost here and tell me about that value, I will repost and explain to you why you are wrong and that porn is valueless, it has no value, it does nothing for you, it improves your existence in no way, and I can then go on to tell you how it is detrimental to your life and how with porn in your life your life will be lessened, without it in your life your life will be greater.  But that is a discussion for a different posts.

Withdrawals.  Physical, mental, and emotional pain.  They are that "crawling the wall" feeling we get when we go without a dopamine fix for...a minute, a day, a few days, or a week.  You need to plan on 90 straight days of that hellish feel.  You won't feel it for 90 straight days, or even for most of those days, but during that initial reboot, you will have days back to back when all you want to do is give in and relapse.  You have to anticipate that, expect it, embrace the inevitable, and understand you don't get to this side of clean without experiencing those things.  That is your brain rebalancing.  Years of porn abuse sets things in our reward center off kilter, and it will take a few months to get back to "0", so to speak. 

For newbies, I have a thread that I invite you to read.


Give it a read.  If you take something positive from it, leave a positive reply at the end. 

I have absolute confidence you can overcome this.  Gabe did it.  I did it.  Many others have.  But it takes a very serious commitment.  Don't walk this path unless you are determined to see it to the end.  On this side of recovered is...freedom form the slavery of porn addiction.  I invite you to take off your chains.


Will I AM. 
IWantItToStop said:
Thank you!
Today is day one of rebooting... Any tips on how to avoid thinking about it?

Don't try not to think about it, just get busy with other tasks and consciously keep your focus on them.  Funnily enough, consciously trying not to think of something seems to end up in you thinking of it. "Don't think about a pink elephant"


IWantItToStop said:
Thank you!
Today is day one of rebooting... Any tips on how to avoid thinking about it?

Saw your post.  How to avoid thinking about it.  That is hard when first quitting because we put so much effort into quitting that we naturally think about it, and that gets us pretty close to thinking about what we don't want to think about.  You need to do something, plan on doing something, momentarily physically distracting to keep a one second flash in the head from turning into a prolonged fantasy.  At this point, more than a year out, I don't experience those problems, but in the beginning, I did, all the time.  I made sure to never look at anything that triggers.  This means avoiding images in magazines, billboards, on the big and small screen.  For me, if a sex scene came up in a PG 13 movie, I would actually close my eyes.  So first thing in not thinking about it starts with not seeing it.  Also, those thoughts are inevitable, so I did something, probably sounds stupid, probably is stupid, but I developed a habit of "clicking" my tongue on the roof of my mouth while thinking "no".  The addiction is powerful, but, in actuality, it is fairly easy to come up with a little distraction that keeps a one second flash to one second.  Other people have suggested using a rubber band, wearing it on your wrist, and snapping it when that picture enters your mind.  Of course the obvious answer is stay busy doing other things, but you can still have thoughts when doing other things, so come up with a plan on what you are going to do to distract yourself when the thoughts creep in, and do it.  I will tell you that while it is very difficult in the beginning, in my case, it got seriously easier, about 6 weeks out, to avoid those thoughts.  I then went from having them multiple times a day, in the beginning, to being able to put days back to back to back without such a thought occurring. 

Hope this helps.



Thank you very much for the tips...
Just decided to do overtime at work to be as far as possible from any temptation.
With my free time i wanna try and be outside as much as possible again to avoid being close to a computer...
All ready purchased a porn block  for my computer
I would need one for my android if u guyz know  any
And i will try to keep as busy as i can....
Going from many times and many hours a day to 0 is going to be hard but i see good support over here...

Thank you very much


IWantItToStop said:
All ready purchased a porn block  for my computer
I would need one for my android if u guyz know  any

The porn blockers help, they won't stop you if you are determined to access P, but if you are dedicated to not, they help a lot.  It is not just that they are an obstacle between you and the problem but they serve as a reminder of what you are doing--quitting porn.

On that point, Gabe Deem did not get clean by "seeing how long he could go."  He made a commitment to a life style change.  He quit porn.  Quit it.  Completely.  A lot of guys are here seeing how long they can go, but I don't like that approach, and I suggest you define your self as quitting porn forever.  You have lived a porn lifestyle for a bit, it is time now to live a porn free lifestyle. 

As for the reboot, what you are hoping for is a relatively brief period of time to re-set your brain's dopamine reward center back to "0", so to speak, after what is probably years of abuse.  In that time period, if you have to endure certain things, endure them, if you have to give up certain things, give them up.  My point here is about the android.  I have seen smart phones become the Achilles heel of guys in recovery, I have seen a guy 45 days in relapse because of his smart phone.  If you can get a blocker for it, fine, but if not I recommend getting a dumb phone for the period of your reboot, some device that still works just fine as a phone but which you cannot access P on.  Just a suggestion.


PS.  One day, it may be a few days or a few weeks from now, if you stay on this program, you will go to bed, you will be tired in a good way, sleepy, not anxious, having not watched or abused porn for a long while, and just before you go to sleep you will realize something wonderful that will astound you.  You will not have had an unwanted sexual thought all day, and you will not have even missed it.  That is returning to normal, that is returning to healthy, that is where this course of action will take you. 

I want to see you get clean.



Those are very encouraging words... 
I don't want P in my life no more.. 
Never ever again..
I. Need that reboot for many reasons... 
I will come to this did as much as i can..  Not necessarily to post but to remind myself of what i choose to commit to

The words and support in getting on my first day at very encouraging
I have taught of P along the day...  But every time i came to this site