Rebooting help needed !!!


New Member
Dear members / gabe / deem / underdog ,

I. Have been rebooting since mid June 2013 last year , and I have releapsed once every 20 days between September to December , and also used pillow method to releapsed during mid May some week time once every day  , also only once did I masturbated in first week of July.

I have a gf since February 2013 , and we went in for October , and I have been doing in 20 days cycle.

I have observed till day I have had successful sex 8 times , and 14 times the sex has been unsuccessful because of  low libido right at the time of semen flow ( libido collapse to 30% or so ).

In mid July I had 5 times sucessful sex , and then took a gap of 5 days and then on 6 the day while doing sex I had low libido before flow which spoiled the mood. After that till today I have low libido.

I am worried and would like to know is my progress normally one year into the reboot or is it something else , or do I need to do something else to progress in my reboot

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ Manned

I hard a hard time understanding your post. But it sounds like you may need to go a period of time no orgasm, while continuing to rewire and stay away from all artificial sexual stimulation (porn).

Your experience is normal as rebooters tend to go in and out of flatlines shortly after orgasm early on during a reboot.

Also, if you haven't already go to a good doctor to rule other organic causes out.

It sounds like you are well on your way to being rebooted, all I can say is avoid porn and keep rewiring.

For more reading on long rebooters check this out -

Hope that helps. Welcome to the Nation