The Blakoe ring

I am 31. I made a lot of progress in the second half of 2016 and first half of 2017. First I managed to bee in total hardmode for 6 months.
I was in very long flatline and then I started a relationship and the flatline just dissapeared very quickly in matter of weeks. I was managing to get hard at 80% and have relationships with no problem, on the second month or so of being with that girl I was even able to have sex more than once on the same day, just with 1 hour of rest or so.

That relationship ended but I was not depressed or anything I just moved on quite quickly but I did start again to masturbate almost on daily basis and watched porn maybe in few occasions. I was watching it for a week just once every day. I quickly realised that I didn't want to go back to the porn, the reason why I discovered that was happening was because I was in a period of job changing and I was stressed badly. But anyway...  last time I watched porn was perhaps a month ago more or less, and now I started dating another person. I am not stress about this person, I think I will perform ok she is a bit tight but hopefully if it goes to 80% it will be fine. The whole point of my question, is because I want to ask if someone uses or used ever a Blakoe Ring. I bought one, they are quite expensive but apparently they say its very efficient to improve the erection.

If anybody ever used one, please let me know, I am very interesting in reading real testimony. Today I am using it for first time, I put it around my dick and balls for all day, it is not uncomfortable I am just wondering it it really works, to me the first impression is scepticism but I will give it a try for a month, lets see how it goes.