Removing this negative aspect of myself


I just had an urge again and coming back and rereading my last slew of posts, and especially the responses (thank you vince and jbick!) seems to have helped me overcome it :)


Today is day 15. So this is now my second longest streak to date. 3 more days will equal my longest and I feel like I can go far beyond that this time, and perhaps finally achieve my goal.


I had been looking ahead to this day as a significant event but I just feel, and it's the truth, that this is just another day! 17-0 was something I wrote on my calendar many times (projecting ahead) and had to cross out and move to a different date because of instances of PMO, but now here I am.

It does feel good, but naturally now that I am here my mind jumps ahead to the next "milestone," which is perhaps 35-0, as I also had gone 35 days without M (but 3 P's). After that I guess it will be 90 days then 120 then forever which are my goals, but I've learned that it doesn't pay to think ahead! One day at a time!

I have felt, perhaps, in recent weeks and days less restlessness and discontent. Unsure if that is related to the reboot or not but I'll take it. I also feel like I have a little more energy and feel more at ease and confident out in the world. My acne might be getting better too and my throat seems clearer some mornings, but I also wonder if these are placebos. Again, though, I'll take it!

I have still had periodic thoughts of P and moments where I consider watching it, as recently as yesterday evening in fact. So as I said, one day at a time and I need to stay vigilant if I am to be successful. Vigilant on what I am doing though, NOT having my mind on porn and my streak.