I need help


I've been trying to stop PMO since Nov 2015. Nothing's worked. I've had times where I don't pmo for several months, and then I relapse. I've been relapsing for about 4 months now and I need motivation to start pmo again. I'm scared that this damage to my brain is permanent and that I'll never be able to get it up again. Please help me


hey QazWsx
You're fightning, that's a good start. Tell us something more about you. How old are you? Are you engaged? Did you notice a particular situation that leads you to relapse (stress, boredom, whatever)?
Don't give up!


Most likely it'd be boredom, the place I pmo the most is my bathroom so whenever I go there my brain is wired to think that. I'm a 16 year old male and I don't know if that bad or good knowing how fast my brain chemistry can change. I think it's good because I'll be able to change it for the good faster. What do you think?


In your first post in this topic you wrote: "I'm scared that this damage to my brain is permanent". I hold a degree in psychology and - trust me - in a 16-yo brain there is nothing permanent (although there's no need of a degree to say that..!). That's way I asked for your age  ;)
Then you wrote "I'll be able to change it for the good faster" - yeah, that's the way it works ! Don't make your fears speak for you!

Then, your bathroom is a trigger! My friend, you must develop a strategy. You may start by not taking with you your smartphone or tablet or whatever when you go to the bathroom. There is no need of them  ;)  take a book instead! I think change our habits is always a good strategy. I know it's hard, I'm still working on that.

You are on the right way, trust me!

Ps. sorry for my english, I know it sucks  :-\


Thank you so much, I've already gone two days no pmo, I'm done with this and wanna get my life on with. And your English is amazing. Thank you very much!!