New attempt. My diary Day 1


Day 1

I am giving it another try. The first days are always the most difficult for me because I usually start to feel better after a few days, so I feel pretty bad now and time is moving slowly. I am desperately looking for new ways to tackle this problem of pmo addiction so if you have any NEW ways of trying to beat this let me know!

Einstein once said "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" so I need to do things differently if I want to succeed this time.

Things I will do differently this time:

1. Update my diary DAILY on rebootnation

2. Having the right minset to succeed (post from maddream on Porn Addiction). Read that post every day to help to stay in the right mindset.

3. Exploring new ways to keep a strong motivation, because my motivation levels are all over the place. I can feel strong on tuesday and feel down on wednesday.

4. I have downloaded 2 apps for daily motivation quotes and reminders of the negative effects of porn use.

I will try to come up with other things I will do differently this time.

I will update this thread daily.



I play as much tennis as I can. Running and fitness bores me though but I will definitely try to do those things as well. Thanks for the advice!


Day 3

Things are getting more difficult already. The cravings are there.

I am trying to stay in the right mindset, I Wish I could just detach (psychologically) from my penis :). Things would be easier.


Stay strong. It will get better. I tied getting rid of pmo to getting rid of coffee. So its easier to understand urges sometimes.