Help PIED maybe ???


Hey guys just wanted to ask you guys a Q
I started porn at the age Of 12 and as well as  masturbation since 12 quiet a lot
Just wanted to Share my thoughts sorry about the English, I have dyslexia ... I've been without porn for about 70 days and masturbation as well.... So the question is when I was with my partner we have great sex but sometimes I couldn't get it up cause I used to watch porn a lot but we used to argue a lot as well.. Since that I've been with girls and get really hard boners whilst kissing them and doing other stuff but I'm scared if it goes down again :( I've not watched porn or masturbated for about  70 Days... But when I do touch it down there gently I get a firm plus hard boner without fantasy but goes down after few minutes ?? is this normal do I need more time to heal ??? I mean I kiss a girl I get an instant boner.. Was wondering was my ed porn related. When I stand up from a hard on, it goes down ??? But it's different when girls are with me??? And can I masturbate without porn ??? And my morning woods are frequent but not as strong as they used to be when I was masturbating a lot and watching porn?? Please need some guidance... Cause I'm wondering if I need more time healing   

Need advice so the advice would be much appreciated it as I'm young please
