New here, could use some advice


New Member
Hello !

I have a very hard time concentrating so I'm forced to keep this short...

Been trying to quit for a few months now but so far only managed to go for one week max, today was the first day of week two and I've almost relapsed twice now :/

I was wondering if theres a reason why the cravings get so intense after one week? Aside from serious depression and worsened derealization/depersonalization, the first week has for me always been the easiest cravings-wise.

Thanks for reading.



Well-Known Member
It's always going to be hard the first week or month.
You see, the addict in you is used to a certain pattern of porn you give it.
If you break or delay the pattern, it's going to act up and you feel the blunt of it.

Much like a baby who is used to a feeding routine by the mother.
Of course, the baby will react anytime there is some hunger but you
can imagine how much the baby will react when you break the feeding pattern
that they've become used to.
When you reboot, you are training your mind and your body that you can function just
fine without PMO. It's like breaking in a new pair of boots. Always uncomfortable the
first week or so.