Is my partner an addict? Questionnaire from Paula Hall's book for partners

Emerald Blue

Well-Known Member
To assess whether your partner is a porn/sex addict, Paula Hall, author of Sex Addiction: The Partner's Perspective, suggests that your partner answers the following questions.  If your partner can answer yes to five or more of these questions, he may well have an addiction to porn or sex.

1. Does your sexual behaviour have a negative impact on other areas of your life such as relationships, work, finances, health, and professional status?

2.  Does your sexual behaviour contradictory personal values and potentially limit your goals in life?

3. Have you tried to limit your sexual behaviour stop it altogether, but failed?

4. Are you more tempted to engage in sexual behaviour when you're experiencing difficult feelings such as stress, anxiety, anger, depression or sadness?

5. Are you secretive about your sexual behaviours and fearful of being discovered?

6. Do you feel dependent on your sexual behaviour and struggle to feel fulfilled with any alternative?

7. Have you noticed that you need more and more stimuli or risk in order to achieve the same level of arousal and excitement? 

8. Do you find yourself struggling to concentrate on other areas of your life because of thoughts and feelings about your sexual behaviour?

9. Have you ever thought that there might be more you can do with your life if you weren't so are you sexual pursuits?

10. Do you feel as if your sexual behaviour is out of your control?

11. Do you currently, or have you in the past, struggled with any other addictions, compulsive behaviours are eating disorders, such as drug or alcohol addiction, compulsive gambling, gaming, work or exercise, or collecting?

12. Has anyone in your family currently or in the past, struggled with any addictions, compulsive behaviours were eating disorders such as those listed above?

Bearing in mind that Paula Hall is a sex addiction therapist who deals with the entire spectrum of sexual behaviours, most of us here are partners of porn addicts who have never progressed to full blown sexual addiction. Paula Hall considers porn addiction to be a subset of sexual addiction so it's equally valid to ask these questions in the context of porn use.


Respected Member
I have read this list before and I think it is such a great way to recognize the addiction within my partner and maybe even for PA's to recognize within themselves. Thanks for sharing EB!

Emerald Blue

Well-Known Member
Oh yes, I DEFINITELY recommend Paula Hall's book for partners. It's called:

Sex Addiction: The Partner's Perspective
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Surviving Sex Addiction for Partner's and Those Who Want to Help Them

This book was my lifeline. It was my go-to book throughout my first year of recovery. I have The Porn Trap too, in fact that was the first book I bought, and it was very helpful too, but Paula Hall's book for partners is the one that "speaks to me" more than all the others.

I am definitely NOT a fan of 12 Steps or the "Anonymous" method. I'm not a person of faith and I don't believe in this "powerless over" whatever the addiction. I know it helps some, and the group meetings are vital for many, many people. So I wouldn't take that away from anyone. It's what works for the individual, and what suits one won't suit another. We all have to find a way that suits us.

Happy to help.

raven song

Active Member
Thanks for the strong recommendation for Paula Hall's book! I read the chapter outline and I'm interested in what she recommends concerning boundaries. I will check it out.