Today is the first day of my life


New Member
Day 1:

Today is a good day it is the day I decided to quit porn for good. I have used porn since about age 16 and am now 32 and believe it is the cause of the anxiety and depression in my life. I have everything to live for but always seem to slip back into using porn to escape reality when things are hard.

I just want to use this journal for accountability I will be open and honest about my journey.




New Member
Day 2:

Observations from yesterday:

I noticed I tend to touch myself a lot when in private! It is kind of an automated reaction pick up laptop, cell phone and start touching myself! Even when I am not looking at anything of a sexual nature! So I have caught this habit and am making myself stop.

I had some bad mood swings and withdrawal. I thought a lot about the wasted time PMO and felt guilty and low. Some really bad stuff has happened over the last few years that I don't really want to go into for now but I tend to dwell on this. PMO was an escape it seemed the only thing that could stop my mind wandering back to the bad stuff. So my plan to over come this feeling is as follows.

1. Start each day listing something I am grateful for and try and shift attention to these positives.
2. Each time I have an urge step away from electronic devices and either do some exercise or something I enjoy like playing music.
3. Plan to become a healthier person.

Todays statement of gratitude:

I am grateful for my wonderful wife she is my world.

Todays exercise plan done if I get an urge:

1. 4 * 10 pushups over the day
2. 2 * 25 situps over the day