Possible Trigger Alert


Active Member
I am not sure what the guidelines are for flagging a post as a possible trigger alert, but I decided to take the cautious route. It's about Pinterest. It's been my downfall so many times. I follow boards that have to do with neutral subjects like airplanes and cars, but I also followed (until today) many boards with photos of pretty young women, all fully clothed. I even had a "secret" board to save the best of these female images. I rationalized to myself that it was OK to look at these images, because although I am into heterosexual vanilla sex, I am also into a fetish. And porn about the fetish is all I ever PMO to. BUT... I finally realized that so many of my PMO sessions began by looking at my Pinterest saves, I deleted these pretty female boards I was following as well as my own secret board. Now I will see only airplanes, cars, trains... a little disappointing maybe, but for me Pinterest was a definite trigger and it needed to go away.