Creativity during a Reboot


Active Member
I'm a writer of fiction and I've noticed that while rebooting my creativity has dwindled inestimably. In short, I can't write well anymore. I've lost it. I've also noticed that I'm just a less clever person overall, and I'm not as funny as I used to be. My sense of humor is lacking where it used to be my favorite part of myself.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is it because of the flatline? Will it return? Logic points to yes, but I'm worried that I've done too much damage or something.

I'm 26 years old and will have to rethink my entire life if I can no longer write well.


effects of reboot can be felt in almost every department of life. REBOOT SUCKS

to make things worst, we are suppose to push forward and do things in life during reboot when we feel more shit about it than ever. STUPID 
Something you will learn after a few relapses is that the dopamine low makes you feel lees intelligent and your work seems like crap. But don't forget that you are feeling the same about everything else! What I mean is: Don't fall for the trap. Your misaligned neural systems are telling you what you write is crap. Don't believe it. Read it again when you feel better and you might find out it was not as bad as it seemed during the low. I had similar experiences with my work (professional and hobbies), that everything I made was of lower quality that when feeling good. An objective assessment done later showed me that at most it was marginally worse, nothing to worry too much. Just another illusion by the fucked up neural system that gives us our value/reality criteria.

Trust yourself. Peace, brother.