I think my husband is using twitter as a porn substitute - advice?


Active Member
Ravensong - great question about asking if the process was worth it for the both of us.

I would say yes, but in a different sort of way for each of us. My husband was faced with the reality of just how bad his lying and addiction were. The thing with people that lie often is, they also lie to themselves. He saw himself as a much more honest person that only lied occasionally. When he had to write this disclosure letter, he had to admit that he hand't just lied to me once or twice, but had had woven lies throughout our entire relationship that fundamentally changed the way I saw him as a person. What is crazy is that most of those lies were completely unnecessary and the truth would have been more beneficial to our relationship and the way I saw him as a person. He also was faced with seeing that his porn addiction started much earlier than he wanted to believe. It was hard, but for the first time he was seeing himself as he was and he felt quite vulnerable.

For me, well - I had to finally come to terms with the reality that the person I fell in love with wasn't really who my husband was. For instance, as crazy as it sounds - I saw my husband as a really honest guy. I had caught him in a couple of lies early in our relationship and confronted him on them. I made it clear that lying was not acceptable. I really thought that was the end of it and that blow up where I was clear how I felt about lying and he committed to full honesty was done. I went forward with the relationship and really trusted him fully. The reason his porn addiction went on for so long was because I trusted him fully.

After disclosure and the two polygraphs (at $500 each mind you), I finally had to accept the truth, my husband is a liar. Being a liar opens you up to getting caught up in things like porn. So, I had to come to terms with seeing that porn addiction didn't make my husband a liar, being a liar made my husband susceptible to porn addiction. I say this because liars already live in a fantasy world, porn just became another part of the fantasy.

I don't want to discourage you, but I do want to give you my truth and here it is - my 'marriage' had changed in a fundamental way in which I can never say that I truly love my husband. The reason why I can say I don't truly love him is because I can't fully give myself to him. I cannot make myself truly vulnerable in a way that is needed for true love because I don't trust him. I still catch my husband in lies, and the vast majority of those lies are completely unnecessary. Some are lies of omission. Some are things he doesn't consider lying, but I do. For instance, he will say, "This weekend I am going to update our budget and go over it with you." He will had made no plans for giving over the budget, he will have set aside no time to go over the budget. Sunday will come around and I will say, "So, when are we going over the budget?" He will then admit that he didn't update the files from the latest receipts . In my mind, if you say you are going to do something that you truly have no intention of following through with - you are lying. He will argue that because he 'wanted' to do it or knew it had to be done, he thought that saying he would do it would help him get around to it. This isn't just for the budget, this can be for literally anything. However, sometimes he does actually follow-through with the things he commits to doing. So, I never really know when he is going to be a man of his word and when he isn't. I had the option of being constantly on edge as to whether or not he was actually going to do what he said, or just assume everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. For my own sanity, I just don't trust what he says. That choice means of course that there really isn't true intimacy in the relationship, because true intimacy requires vulnerability.

As a result, we have settled into this 'marriage' that is more of a business partnership with sex benefits. In his mind, he is going to win back my true love by showing he is a stand up guy. That isn't to say we don't have good times together. We talk, we go on vacation, we enjoy our life and raising our kids. But, if I was given a time machine with the choice of marrying my husband or not, I would not marry him. My heart doesn't flutter when I see him. I won't say this doesn't hurt, it does. It rips me in two when he says things like, "You are so beautiful" and even his daily, "I love you.", because I honestly cannot know if he actually means those things or not. Especially when I found out he had an undisclosed relapse over a year after d-day. I felt it and questioned him at the time and he denied it with every fiber of his being. The only way I got disclosure was to tell him that I had already found the proof (lie) and then he admitted it. So yeah, not really a marriage of roses and rainbows.

raven song

Active Member
Stillme, thank you for sharing so frankly your experience of the polygraph.  It's good to know it helped your husband to see how habitually he has lied.  I'm sorry that your heart isn't into the relationship as deeply as you would like. I hope your husband heals this part of himself for your benefit and his own.

Wow, $500. So I'm not exactly sure how much this will be for us yet. I'm not going to investigate it because I don't want that to become some sort of deal breaker.

Thank you for giving me the truth of your process.  It's good to have a heads up as to how this process might work out.  I don't feel discouraged, just well informed. :) 

Today my husband said something along the lines of "I'm scared to show up and share with you who I truly am and want I truly want and need because then you might leave me. But our relationship sucks already, so it cant get any worse than this. Might as well risk it all and put it all out there and have a chance at a truly rewarding relationship."  YES!!!  saying it sucks sounds harsh but in reality - hearing him say this felt so true and authentic and good.  Because it is the truth.  Now, let's burn this down and rebuild! 

I love the expression "Barn's burnt down, now I can see the moon." 


Respected Member
Raven, I am going to say this not to upset you but for you to be aware. My husband would say things like that too. I am referring to the comment about how he is scared to show you who he really is because he is afraid you will leave. Here is the conundrum with statements like that (and the real trick issue with partners and PA in relationships) its a tightrope. My husband would say those statements out of honesty and sincerity, he would mean them and quite frankly they are the truth but here is the issue, they are also manipulative. What that statement tells partners is that they can't be honest because then you will leave, so, therefore, if you do leave then you have created more hurt for them and that everything is your fault. It is a statement that makes them the victim and not taking accountability for their situation. I am pretty blunt when communicating and I finally had to tell my husband that I appreciated his honesty but that us such manipulative bull crap that I am not going to listen to it. It's not ok. He needs to treat you with the respect (as well as respect himself) enough to be a man of integrity on his own. Sure it can be scary but so what. Lots of things in life are hard. Yes, he could be honest and you could leave. That should not have any barring on whether he lives his life honestly or not. You can't stay with someone who is only being honest with you in order to keep you in their life. You will never be able to trust that and frankly, you shouldn't. You don't want to spend your life with that. You want to be with someone who works on being honest because that is who they want to be, for themselves! If that isn't what he is working towards then you will never be able to fully heal the relationship and anytime it hits rocky waters he will continue to use manipulative language to convince you and himself that he is the victim. It's not ok, don't tolerate that language and don't celebrate it. Over time that language falls under the term gaslighting.

Again, and am sorry if this offends, that is not my intention. Also, this is just my perspective, take it or leave it. I will say one thing I have noticed since bringing this to my husband's attention is that there was a shift for him. He didn't fully realize how much of his recovery he was doing for me and not for himself. This kind of hard talks brought to the surface the awareness of who he is, who he wants to be and how to get there. Not for me but for him, as a husband, father, and a man. He wants to be a person with integrity, he really wants that. Realising that he was using me as an excuse for him to be a victim was holding him back from taking real ownership. Life happens, yes I could have left, but I also could be run over by a truck tomorrow. You don't know what tomorrow brings. Be present today. Do the things today that make you the person you want to be, not because of someone else because they may not be here tomorrow, but for yourself. By doing that, by watching him really own his recovery, that has made me love him more. It isn't the same way as before D-day. It feels different. Not better or worse just different. I am glad to be here with this man who I really am beginning to trust. There is still a lot of work to do but at least I know that we are present and doing the work.

raven song

Active Member
Hey there Aquarius, This is a bad morning, so I really appreciate your input! thankyou!  He is stressed this morning because of work and he looked completely off. There is this anxious look on his face that he gets when he is hiding something.  My gut says he is acting out somehow - what is he looking at now?  Is he PMOing with another porn sub?  I don't know.  But I do know something is completely off right now

I'm realizing now that full disclosure with polygraph is not a perfect solution either.  For example, do I right up a question "On December 18th, did you hide or lie about anything?"  Do I write questions for every single time this happens?

Ultimately, I don't think his heart is into creating a healthy loving connected relationship.  All weekend he talked about his work and healing himself but not once did he mention the role of porn in all of this.  His actions and what he talks about and his energy tell me that he is investing in things staying the same - which means more manipulation.    It's like he wants me as some sort of comfort/security blanket. He wants a wife, but not ME.  Any wife would do. He just wants a motherfigure/wife figure.  He doesn't want to be in love, connected, and real.  he doesn't want to be his honest real human self.  He wants to play house and be the traditional loveless married couple.  my parents did that, so did his.  I WONT DO IT!  The conclusion based on the observable behavior is that I want a healthy intimate relationship a WHOLE lot more than he does.

I'm currently working on a list of boundaries with my therapist - and this feels good sometimes. but other times, like today when things feel off, it doesn't work at all.  I basically "know" he is acting out somehow and his refusal to tell me is NOT OK.  With my personality, I don't know how to live with a person who is incongruent. I FEEL that energy all around me.  So I need to tweak my boundaries. I need some sort of insurance that if I am choosing to live with him for this next year and he does not uphold his end of the deal, then I have the financial resources I need to move on with my career, education, etc. 

My husband told me last summer that if our relationship ends, he will help me financially for a couple of years so I can get back on my feet health wise and go back to school. I asked him to write it down on paper and sign it to make it more official (we are a no fault divorce state - everything is split 50/50). But I don't think that is enough for me to honestly believe his intentions around this area.  I'm seriously thinking about seeing a lawyer to see what kind of legal binding contract can be created along these lines so that I know that I can count on having the financial resources to move forward if this doesn't work out.  I owe this to myself.  This is me being a pragmatic and smart woman. 

okay - that was a useful rant.  but now responding to your feedback which I really appreciate.

My husband would say things like that too. I am referring to the comment about how he is scared to show you who he really is because he is afraid you will leave. Here is the conundrum with statements like that (and the real trick issue with partners and PA in relationships) its a tightrope. My husband would say those statements out of honesty and sincerity, he would mean them and quite frankly they are the truth but here is the issue, they are also manipulative. What that statement tells partners is that they can't be honest because then you will leave, so, therefore, if you do leave then you have created more hurt for them and that everything is your fault. It is a statement that makes them the victim and not taking accountability for their situation.[/

I really appreciate it you explaining how this is victim language. It makes sense.  It's another way of not stepping up and taking ownership of his life and this relationship. It's passive.  And I have told him many times that I would not leave.  However, now, I am very close to leaving because the energy is gone and this relationship is withering on the vine.  I've been doing everything - rescue breathing, CPR, etc for our relationship and he is doing very little.  He only complies with my requests. He's not offering possible solutions, he's not motivated like me looking for any and all options to rescue this relationship. 

Realising that he was using me as an excuse for him to be a victim was holding him back from taking real ownership.
  I'm so glad you being very clear helped him to gain insight into himself.  I'm taking to hard what you have shared and I'm going to implement it in my own way.  right now, my gut is informing me that I really need to take care of myself right now.

This is just the natural consequence to having discovered him lying yet again just 10 days ago.  I'm not feeling safe. I don't feel trust. I don't know what I can count on. Wow...this latest discovery has made things much worse between us. Much much worse. 

raven song

Active Member
Well come to find out - yes Twitter has porn on it. And today I just learned that Spotify does too. I think he is using Spotify right now. 


Emerald Blue

Well-Known Member
It?s impossible to block it completely, even using various apps and filters. I?ve done a few tests to find out how robust my own antiporn measures are and the results are concerning. Firstly there?s the obviously pornographic stuff. A lot is blocked but there are leaks and loopholes, for example image and video searches searches. The other stuff is the softcore porn substitutes which isn?t explicit and oftentimes the filters don?t block it. Then there?s the porn addict?s behaviour ? which is ultimately the weakest link in the chain.

Even after an addict has quit porn it?s surprising how they find other ?innocent? sources, whether it?s music videos or Victoria?s Secret runway shows, or even fitness videos of women exercising in yoga pants. It?s impossible to get stop it and where do you draw the line? Ultimately it?s up to the recovering porn addict to take responsibility for his own viewing behaviours. The difficulty is that sometimes they don?t see this stuff as being anything to do with porn addiction but the question I asked my husband was ?if I was in the same room as you, would you be looking at this stuff?? And also, why do they feel they have to lie about having watched it if it is so ?innocent?. You and I know it?s keeping the addiction pathways active but to porn addict, if it?s not on a porn site then it?s not porn. That?s where the real trouble lies.

This aspect of porn addiction and recovery is infuriating to me. I mean, I have fashion and art books which sometimes feature nudes, both male and female and not pornographic in the least. Yet I have had to put these books out of his easy reach because he was looking at them when he was ?bored? or ?curious? and always when I wasn?t around. It?s ruined my enjoyment of so many things I was completely comfortable with before d day. Another aspect is that you don?t know what?s a possibly been used as a porn substitute until afterwards because there are so many possibilities. It?s crazy making and impossible to have all bases covered. The real issue is the (recovering) addict?s behaviour and ultimately they are the ones in control of what they do.


Active Member
raven song said:
Well come to find out - yes Twitter has porn on it. And today I just learned that Spotify does too. I think he is using Spotify right now.

If he wants to reboot, he needs to drop the internet while in reboot. It's too easy for most of them to just go clicking around in boredom, get triggered by some things they see, fall into the old habits rut, etc.

If he's serious about his reboot, he'll get serious about his net use. If he's not willing to drop his recreational net use, take it as a big red flag commentary on his overall attitude about his reboot.

Sorry this is an ongoing thing for you, Raven, but it's pretty standard that they lie and hide and play games until it sinks in there is no choice but quit or lose everything. At that point, when your ultimatum is literal and final, he'll make a choice to deal with his shit or continue with a deceptive porn life.

Take care of you.


Hi Raven,

It sounds like two addictions: possibly to social media itself, which is addictive as crap, but also to explicit images on it. 

I find your story very insightful and motivating, but I?m also scared for you.  But anyway.

There is one big secret from my wife: while I was away for a night I did give in and used a sex chat room.  I had done a lot of this in the past and had cheated on my wife online.  I feel I can never tell her about this.  I don?t feel she is aware that I am still having trouble fighting my porn addiction.  And more than that, her finding out about me using a chat room, after everything she has been through with me, would be devastating.  I am motivated to overcome all of my addictions and I know I can do it.  To me, I would rather hold this one untruth and solve the entire problem than tell the truth, create a really bad situation, and have everything go to hell.

But that is just me.

My wife has the same thing where she worries about how she ?competes? with other women.  When I check other women out unconsciously, and even thinking over stuff in the past, it effects her.?

You talking about really makes me understand better.

I am reducing my Facebook use to once a month.  I feel that it will really help me a lot to just remove temptation completely.  I am mostly just using Facebook too much, but it definitely can be used as porn material too.

I hope everything turns out for you.  I hope your husband is as invested in your marriage as I am in my own.




Respected Member
I am so sorry. The hurt is really and can be so intense. I am so sorry for you my friend. Continue to work on you. Set boundaries and don't be afraid to enforce them! If there is anything I can do for you, I am here!