little to no sense down there


Active Member
So im into no p for about 70days having sensitivity problem down there.The thing is that i havent stop Mo but i have greatly reduce it.

Im into a relationship with a girl that knows my problem.

I have seen improvement to my sensitivity but no much.

Any good suggestions?

Im willing to stop MO but i cant deny my O's with her. (I have pied)

Is there anyone who had same problem with me and got healed?


stop MO and limit orgasms. you need to give brain full rest or its going to take forever.

pretty much everyone had similar problem to yours during the reboot. rarely people recover after only 90 days hard mode. you see improvements but not much because you are only 70 days in + you still MO and O.


Active Member
I get it and expected this answer.I will go hardmode as soon as i will be single cause i cant be asexual while in a relationship.I hope my pied goes away cause i see big improvements to this!

My urges to watch p have been reduced dramatically but i get some p scenes on my mind but i kick them right away!

Im so glad with my progress and my overall improvements!
My passion for freedom gets bigger everyday as my cravings get smaller!

I need to get my life back together and focus on life cause im a disasterpiece right now..

Thanks for your reply!

p.s. Are you in a similar situation?



p.s. Are you in a similar situation?

no im single now but i used to have gf before during reboot and same thing was happening except i was not MOing.

dont dump relationship just for the reboot. if you are happy stay in relationship. its better for reboot and i guess if it makes you happy its better for you. you can practice rewiring in relationship every day and its great for reboot and for you. you dont have to be asexual just limit orgasms to only once per week, until you feel better.


Active Member
Yeah you are so right!

My gf is willing to help me with my rewiring thing whatever it takes as long as i try and im soo happy to find a girl like her.I was all alone to this.I will try limiting orgasms and keep on fighting this.

Thanks for your replies, means alot for me helping me during the most challenging period of my life!

Good luck and best to you!