Journal Thread. Day 1


New Member
Alright gentlemen. I'm assuming most of you guys are men. I don't know that many females who have the same problem. If you do hello and good luck.

I've been addicted to porn my entire freaking life. It's nothing but a burden. I'm pretty sure my baby sitter was a funky bitch and she showed me porn on the shitty tv in my living room when I was maybe 6 or 7.

Since then computer access to internet porn has been unregulated and heavy for 20 years. God it feels so strange to put it that way... But it's true. Wow what an odd thing to finally figure out.

I hate the way porn affects me. I've been aware of the neurological impact that it can have on the brain. I'm glad the literature has been getting out there. It's still not discussed enough though. Regardless, I'm glad to be joining a movement. Honestly. It might be a protest movement if you think about it. Maybe this is just a rumor. I've heard a lot of the girls have been kept in these situations against their will. Sorta like a female factory farm for pornography consumption. It bothers me to be addicted in the political sense.

On a personal level. My social anxiety has become too hard for me to deal with. My energy levels are down. Depression symptoms heavy. Self esteem all time low. This change is not something  that I want to put the pressure of "I did this and now my life is 1000 times better" either. I just want a negate a habit that is harming my life more than I'd like to admit. Kinda like not drinking soda. Or consuming sugar. Even though those can both be hard for millions of people. Whatever.

I heard some good wisdom on changing your life. I'll paraphrase but it goes "Often times to change your life just subtract something instead of adding to it". I think that is SOLID advice.

Even now the possibilities of my life seem more in my grasp. I won't focus on that too much right now since it's only been a day. I can keep up the positive vibes though. My goal is to just cut out pornography all together. I'm still going to masturbate when my sex drive gets too much or have sex with my chick. On the jerking off level I have a pretty sweet spank bank.  ;)

Slow and steady is going to win me the race. First goal is 60 days. God. It seems far off. Whose gonna keep me accountable?


New Member
Take it one day at a time brother. If a 60 day thing motivates you then power to you but focus on the here and now. Sometimes having a goal like that can lead to more shame and guilt if it?s not accomplished. Progress is the goal even if you stumble, but it?s never an excuse to stumble. I?ve been hooked most of my life as well and the important thing is being careful what you watch that seems harmless. Lately Snapchat tiggered me after being porn free for months. Shows these days don?t help, it?s those things in the preparation periods that?s important. If you want accountability I?m game but do let us know how to approach it. Being a cop doesn?t work so I?m not going to hawk you because In temptation you?ll view me as the enemy (I?ve been on both ends of this) stay focused on the daily grind and watch how your life improves. Let me know about type of accountability. God bless, Paul.