Longer than 3 month PIED reboot SUCCESS story?? Please share

Can someone please share their experience with a reboot from PMO specifically because of PIED, specifically someone who took more than 3 months to fully recover. I am now at about 110 days into my reboot. I was feeling great, communicating well with my girlfriend, and was able to get hard without any issues. The problem is now that I decided to have sex with my girlfriend, around day 85, it seems that I am back in a flatline or sorts. I have made significant progress, but this is a clear sign to me that I am not fully recovered from PIED and I think I need to take more time away from O'ing to fully recover.

Any similar SUCCESS stories would be great to hear. I could really use the encouragement, feeling kind of down and out.

misc person 86

Active Member
Yea, same shit for me mate... The same flatline/high libido cycle for months and months and months. I'm approaching 2 years no pmo... Feel horny as hell but scared to try incase of flat line reoccurring.


andyjee86 said:
Yea, same shit for me mate... The same flatline/high libido cycle for months and months and months. I'm approaching 2 years no pmo... Feel horny as hell but scared to try incase of flat line reoccurring.

But do you notice your flatlines are getting less and less?

misc person 86

Active Member
r_ryan85 said:
andyjee86 said:
Yea, same shit for me mate... The same flatline/high libido cycle for months and months and months. I'm approaching 2 years no pmo... Feel horny as hell but scared to try incase of flat line reoccurring.

But do you notice your flatlines are getting less and less?

When with my girlfriend, it was so non linear. I tried to record and spot a pattern but it was very difficult and I never really got an answer. Since breaking up and a few failed experiences with other women I have now not ejaculated for over 4 months (hard mode) so everything should work next time round, and I'm very horny and thinking about touch and real intimacy a lot which is good (not P), plus spontaneous erections through the night, so in theory I'm good to go. But as I don't have a partner and will unlikely be having sex on a few times a week basis, I'll not know whether the flatlines are gone for good or not. I don't dare risking having lots of sex for the fear of flatline because dead dick is the least of my worries. It's the damn anxiety that seems to coincide with it. I need to try sex once a month, and slowly increment. But how to do that when single? The dating game is such slow unpredictable process. And I hate using dating apps, so unnatural and I worry about their link to p.


For me I'll know when I'm out of this flatline when I one day just randomly think about my gf and get a 10/10 erection. That's what happenes before this flatline. Attentively just looking at her naked should also give 10/10 erection


I would also like to hear anyone that recovered past 90 days. I?m at 75 days hardmode and stuck in another flatline. Depressing this shit is. Hoping around day 120 I?m cured. Pied is worst thing ever.  Scary shit


Active Member
This process is going to take some time. There is no real time limit on recovery. Some people take a couple weeks some take a few months and others could take a couple years. I remember being in a flat-line for a long time. Even after my 90 days. After the 90 day mark it is probably best to focus on bettering you and not so much how your "men" are working. I fell into this anxious need to know now cycle that wound up making my mind go crazy. I am almost a year into the reboot and can say I am starting to feel a big difference in how I see woman, how I interact with them and how I feel around them. I am also feeling happy about my life again. This is huge for me and for myself moving forward. This is not going to be a sudden quick transition. Think of all the years we have watched P..... It's a lot. Give yourself some time and have faith in the process. While rebooting focus on how to better yourself overall! This will help immensely. I have yet to be completely intimate with a lady since rebooting other than making out, but I have faith based on how I felt while making out that I will be fine. You all will be too.

Stick with it!!!



I?m purely worried about pied. I?m on 76 days hardmode and I?m hoping in 3 months I?m cured. I?m in a relationship so it?s not the easiest thing to relax with.