Please hold my hand, I need it


I am a 35 years old engineer. I am feeling the same way Rip Wan Winkle does when he wakes up from sleep. I feel I have lost 17 years of my life.
It started when I was 18, one morning I wake up and felt that there is something missing, I pannicked so much why I have lost my senses what happened ? I went to 14 different doctors so far. Urologists did all examinations and found nothing, I thought this desensitization was caused from nerve entrapment as I had a small spinal cord enlargement in lower back. The result was again " you are normal "I had carvernosis injections, npt tests, blood tests, hormone tests everything. Again end up nothing. I was reading their subjects so much that doctors often got mad at me. I was preying god for a solid cause but all said psychological.

I started PMO ing when I was 15. Before the cable Internet came, as a computer lover, I was carrying small porn scenes from friends in floppies. I was a real shy guy and I was not taken into student groups. And girls were so much away from me to reach, I always fell in love but one sided and from miles away :( Together with porn, unfortunately I have developped an attraction to some piece of fetish to one piece of their uniform that time. I hate to say it's name even. Later it turned to a crossdressing thing.

With the connection of cable internet to my room at age 16, I jumped into a jungle of dreams fired from porn having that fetish. Later on I started to collect that piece of cloth and for each different type there was a porn movie available. Soon I was crossdressing with them and fantasizing. It is disturbing my sexual identity.  The wirst thing you can do your self is connecting a real solid matter with the porn world. Your brain  feels  really living in it . DON'T DO ?T ! Not after a long time, ED and empthyness came on that unforgettable morning.
So far in my life I don't remember a real relationship, I can only see it in movies again in pixels. I have a huge desire for being loved. I find myself so ugly. So depressing. Am I going to live all alone all my life I am asking my self all the time. Everytime I look at the miror I feel more ugly. So far  I had an attempt for sexual intercourse only once when I was 24 with a rented lover but I felt nothing, I was from another world. I brought my fetish objects, laptop for a second try later but nothing changed, the girl laughed at me, I cried so bad, wanted to die.

After years I have found the cause as soon as I found YBOP site on the web. I have reached the site while I was searching for dopamine & libido relation. I was prescribed dopamine reuptake inhibitors, to help me with libido. The doctor did not believe me as it did not make any change. ( I believe this is a proof that too much stimulation burns the dopamine receptors, and they don't develop unless you give the chance to rewire the nerve network ). All symptoms the therapists saw on me  match with the symptoms everyone is experiencing on the forum such as severe social anxiety, staying away from girls, depression not curing, heavy brain fog.

I tried to reboot but relapsed 10 times for passed 90 days. I could not manage it. Even without porn I go to pictures everytime on the web, cannot stop. There are voices appering inside me to convince for a next try. But what I discovered is I have a new feeling of excitement  for 30 seconds on next try after no PMO of 10 days. Do you think this is a sign ? Do you guys think that I have a second chance ? Do you believe that my brain will be attached to real love ever again even doesn't know what it is ?

I am so alone, I really want all of you to hold my hands and help, I want to promise a buddy and keep it and not do it!



Active Member
Hey man... You do have a very sad story, but I do believe that you can overcome your situation! There is light for everyone, and there is hope for each and every one of us! Everybody has a second chance! You should try to believe in yourself a little more!

You can have everything you want as long as you work your butt off for it to happen! You can kick pr0n right in the face! You can be strong! You can find that special someone! You're just a little lost... And it's alright...

Put your goals, what you want to achieve, on a piece of paper and focus on them. Let that piece of paper be a reminder of the person that you will be one day, when you conquer your addiction/condition!

Start enjoying life a bit... Forget about your pain, your bad memories... Get out as much as you can.. Take up some sports or any other action that might get you closer to your goals.

Don't compare yourself with others.... Never consider yourself ugly!! We're all beautiful! We're all special and we all deserve to live happy and safe! We just gotta concentrate and work on it!

Get strong! Get confident! You can do this! You go tiger!


Why do you think SSRIs would solve your problems? That makes no sense. They're famous for decreasing libido.

What you need is time. Stop thinking like an engineer who thinks he just needs a bigger hammer. Think like a philosopher. Heal your brain.

These are the things that help the most (to speed your reboot) while you're waiting: exercise, daily cold showers, daily meditation, eating healthily, socializing and learning more about your situation. (And if you want to think like an engineer, visit :) )

Did you watch this? It's not just for adolescents:


Staff member
That desensitization you talk about...realizing something was wrong and something was missing is an incredibly relatable line. I remember after my first high speed porn bender in my youth I began to feel foggy and disconnected. I remember even crying to my Dad one day before a camping trip about who disassociated and numb I felt.

The good news: it does get better. It gets way better. Make changing your lifestyle your goal and take it one day at a time. Screw all the lost time - there's nothing you can do about that now. You can, however, make sure you don't have anymore time lost by committing to no PMO.


Active Member
Things will totally change... The duration of the time spent for things to change depends from a person to another! Don't beat yourself up if it takes a bit longer in your case, because there's no other option besides being successful!

Going to the Gym more often will help release some endorphins into your brain which reduces stress, anxiety and depression + your body looks and feels better!

Try to start conversations with strangers, without focusing on your problems... Maybe take up some classes in a field that you're interested in! There should be like minded people there with whom you may connect!

The first step is to have conversations with others, not necessarily turn them into your best friends!

Stay strong! Post updates here! Take care!


Active Member
+1 for working out/going to the gym. Definitely the thing that's helped me most to change my habits! It's great for relieving stress, tension and you get a positive result in health and appearance :)


Active Member
My friend, you sound so very much like you are suffering.  Indeed we all, the body politic making RebootNation are.  We wouldn't be here otherwise.

Your honesty is bravery.  You are here because you want more from life than what you have.  You can achieve that; you have achieved being an engineer.  Anyone can achieve reboot.  I've been trying to Reboot but it has taken time for me to realise how to reboot.  It might seem obvious: stop porn.  But that wasn't enough.  Without realising it, I started finding people on hook-up sites.  I didn't realise I was replacing one pixel addiction with another with occasional actual benefits.  When I started rebooting I was like, porn is no but M and O is ok.  Actually, for me its not.  I have to abstain completely and absolutely to achieve a successful reboot.

Its only just my latest attempt without any PMO or hook up sites that I am feeling like I am making the right progress.  I realise that I should not date, I should not engage in any kind of sexual fantasy or anything of a sexual nature.  I need to do this, in order to give my brain time to reboot.  If I don't do it in this way, I will struggle to escape this silly little addiction.

So if I can say anything to you, its don't quit rebooting and give yourself time to workout what the right reboot is for you.

Every single person on this Earth has another person somewhere who will like them, love them and spend the rest of their life with the other.  Its an inherent part of our nature as human beings.  You are struggling because you have no confidence.  You have no confidence because you have no experience.  You have no experience because you are a porn addict.  That's it right there.  You are a porn addict and it is stopping you from having real relationships and feeling good about yourself.  You will absolutely find somewhere who loves you and who wants to be with you. 

But first things first.  Time to reboot my friend.  Time to stop all the sexually natured everything and give your brain space to rewire and be itself once more.  Go forth, be brave, be strong, be patient and love yourself for exactly who you are.


Hey man,

I'm a nubie round here and I'm afraid I have absolutely no advice to offer you. This is the first day of my reboot here and I was so close to breaking, thankfully I came to rebootnation instead and clicked into the first journal I could find in a panic. It was yours, I read it and recognised elements of myself. I managed not to fap so I just thought that I should says thanks and stay strong.



Active Member
The important thing is to regain your composure and try again.  If you don't try you will never win.  As long as you are trying you are winning because your working your way toward your goal.

You are the best judge of what you need.  I've adjusted my approach as I've spent time here gathering ideas from other guys.  Its working well.  I relapsed on the weekend.  About the same time as you.  I know the weekend is a major danger period for me too.  I have to get out of the house and away from temptation.  We both have a new challenge to focus on now.  'The Weekend'.

Sunday night, I wrote up a new list of goals and put it up on my wall.  They are general goals including short term achievements and 6 major goals with little pictures.  Every morning when I wake up (the goals are right next to my bed at my head hight - can't be missed) I read the list of goals and see the little pictures.  I also read a quote from Christian Larson 'I promise myself'.  I add an extra promise on to his list of promising myself I will not watch P or M or O or go to hook up sites.

There is no goal up on my wall saying don't P, M or O.  But I know that no PMO is my biggest goal right now.  So when I read the other goals it reminds me.  I've followed some great advice from innergothkid.  I've changed my attitude, exercising is very important (just bought a cheap gym set for home to help), taking cold showers, and committing to coming here twice a day to post.  Really, its a lot of changes in a short time.  We are well on our way and that's very positive.

I could get upset that I relapsed on the weekend but then I'd be focusing on the wrong thing and in the wrong direction; the past.  I'm focusing on achieving and the future and I see brightness and greatness.  Soon mouchas you will join me.

Suggest create a list of goals and put them on your wall.
Any ideas on what we can do to not relapse on the weekend?


Active Member
One other thing, I spend some time in the 30 - 39 forum, but I spend half my time on the Success forum: 

These guys have beaten the habit and have the best ideas, hints and attitude.  They are a good example to follow and you can get good ideas, encouragement and motivation from them.
There is some great books on amazon about porn addiction. 

The one I read was

Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame.

It was a great read, it does a lot to explain the habits we fall in to and even has exercises for separating yourself from the demons that cause you (us) to look at that crap.

Have a look, I would say it is worth the $10 they charge for the book.



Active Member
Hey Mouchas,
Awesome news man.  Massive difference from your first post to now.
I love the statement "I am quitting any arousing thought or encounter within a second by saying " cancel" many times from inside."  I'll try that too if I have any recurring PMO thoughts.


Active Member
Ha ha Mouchas, what an incredible adventure you are on.  So much change in only a few months.
I'm getting so much attention from women now.  I don't know if I've been ignoring them because or porn or it was the social anxiety or what, but life if definitely changing post PMO.  Since stopping I feel like a man rather than something less if that makes sense.
Keep going man, its great to hear what's changing with you.


Active Member
Keep going dude, that's great news! Give it long enough and your mind will be cleansed of everything bad that porn brought into your life.


Active Member
Wow Mouchas your progress is inspiring man.  Thank you for sharing.
When I want to get rid of unwanted thoughts I usually picture the thought as a picture or video screen running in my mind.  Then I picture putting the picture or video screen in a fire place or bin with a fire in it and watch the picture or video screen burn up.  That tends to get rid of those repeating thoughts.  You might have to do it a few times in a row but your brain will get the idea.  Funny how our minds work.
Also I like this advice from Supersonic
2) When you feel the smallest LUST / TEMPTATION TO PMO IMMEDIATELY DENY IT! SAY NO! 
Say it with POWER! Imagine  throwing that lustful ugly feelings out.
You will never beat porn if you don't do the difficult!  Deny it!
This is YOU, YOUR LIFE, wake up! Be STRONG!


In time you change so much, PMO is the furthest thing from your mind.


Active Member
Hi Mouchas,
Here is a link I found from YBOP:
Oh, and also the weird fetishes that came with years of porn use (coughs...shemales...) gone!!!


Active Member
Hi Mouchas,
I read these powerful words and they seem to correspond with what you said: "I also used [PMO] to cover up feelings of inadequacy as a person"

I have to constantly remind myself that it took me years to ruin my brain this much and it's not going to be undone by just a few months of not watching porn.  Personally, I used to use porn to feel better when I was having a bad day.  I also used it to cover up feelings of inadequacy as a person.  This is where my addiction stemmed from and I had to work on those core issues to gain the strength to overcome porn.

Its great that you recognise that you are using porn in some way to make yourself feel better because you feel empty.  What is 'empty'?  Loneliness?  You've identifying the issue and underlying causse, once you have done that you can create your solution and escape from the treachery of PMO.
I did some reading just last night about flatlining and the message throughout was IT WILL PASS.  I got my info from and they said the flatline period varies from person to person, with length of time varying from days to months.  They even said that some people will go in and out of flatlining, but once the healing has occurred, your boner will be available at the 'appropriate' time (when with a partner).  Check out some of the flatlining posts there and at, perhaps they will help put your fears to rest.

Don't do what I did and test your boner with porn just to make sure it still works!  That will set you back and wreck all your hard work up to this point.  Keep that counter going.
Mouchas, I just read anither guy's post and he is experiencing the same thing.  I don't think this is cause to worry.  Others have recommended cold water or ice packs to relieve the discomfort.  The post is called something like, "my balls are killing me" lol  check it out.  And don't stress, I doubt you are broken.
Hi mouchas,

I read your story and its sad. I am with you. Dont make this hard for you. Read my story and you will know that we share some things in common, we all here share something in common. Like you I feel like, will I ever meet a person who loves me.

Well, be positive and take things easy. As they say addictions are not easy to get rid off. A doctor/philosopher I know even says that addiction is the biggest disease in this world. Be it addiction to porn or addiction to certain fetishes or addiction to alcohol, all are bad. I know how difficult it can make your life.

But there is hope. Give yourself another try. Try, try and try. I can read in your post, that you can do it, there is still goodness left in you. Catch hold of that goodness. Get yourself addicted to something positive, like helping people out here, or just sharing your every day experiences. Remember addictions have to be dealt with seriously and addictions have to be dealt with every moment. Moment by moment and day by day and week by week.

You have reached here. That means you have always been, in the past few years, looking to solve your physical problems. That means your good self is trying to cure you. And now that you know the root cause, you should not let it go. Catch hold of it. You are the only master of your life. Don't be a slave of your senses. I can read in your lines the huge amount of positiveness in you. You have the knowledge now. So be the master. You can be.

God bless you!