5Dawgs Journal


So it begins for me, I guess.  I mean REALLY begins.  For years I thought I was beginning, then beginning, and then beginning again.  But now I see that by trying to do it alone I wasn't really beginning anything.  I've taken a few days to read through this forum, and my experience has been mostly positive (a little negative), and it seems that keeping a journal here may be the best way to get some support - and maybe give some back, too.

This month, I'll be 49.  I first dabbled in porn when I was about 15 or 16, I think.  Found my father's stash of Playboys.  Surprisingly, I didn't even know what masturbation was at the time.  I still remember being in the bathroom looking through one of the magazines and touching myself when I basically exploded out of nowhere.  Not kidding when I say that it was totally by accident.  My first orgasm while awake.  Naturally I made the connection - porn feels really, really good.

It was still only a once in a while thing, though.  But when I figured out that I had the ability to have an orgasm without actually having sex, I did take advantage of it regularly.  I didn't actually lose my virginity until I was 18.  It was my senior year girlfriend, and we were monogamously active for about a year.  About 3 months after we broke up, I met my current and only wife.  We were freshman in college.  I was her first, she my second, but there has been no one ever since. 

Porn was still a once in a while thing until we had been together about 2 or 3 years.  She lived in another state when we weren't in school, and I was visiting her and her family during a break.  Her father had just gotten a new computer that had internet, and it was the first time that I been on the worldwide web.  I don't remember what I searched that led me to the porn, but as soon as I saw it, I was hooked.  I couldn't believe that it was all right there and free.  Before I would have to go buy magazines, and I never had much money, so that didn't happen very often.  Now, I could have all I wanted any time I wanted. 

I knew it was wrong.  I grew up in a Catholic household where any type of sexual activity outside of marriage was wrong.  But the addiction took hold.  The neural pathways were formed.  And my life without guilt was over.

It's been that way ever since.  I've had times where I have been able to shake it for a few weeks, maybe a month, but nothing permanent.  I've hated myself.  I didn't want to do it.  Really, I didn't.  But I couldn't NOT do it.  The slightest thing would trigger it.  Even my wife could trigger it!  Nothing she did - just the fact that I could look at her, and maybe she was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up, or she was on her way out or something, and just the sight of her would make me so horny that I needed a release.  It wasn't a good time for her, so I had my plan B to fall back on.  Emphasis on FALL.  Because it was definitely like falling.  You reaching a temptation tipping point where you can no longer recover your balance, and then you just - fall. 

A couple of years ago is when the PIED kicked in.  I didn't actually make the connection until a few months ago.  I see a urologist who operates his own in-house pharmacy where I get generic Viagra pretty cheap.  And that's how I've maintained my sex life with my wife.  Until I learned of the porn connection, I thought it was permanent.  After reading the experiences here, I actually have some hope that I can go back having sex naturally again. 

So I begin again, or begin for real for the first time.  Yesterday was day 1.  No porn or replacements.  A couple of triggers, but I resisted.  Now I need to work on replacing my porn "escapes" with something else.  I've recognized that porn actually has been an escape for me.  I'm a high stress, high anxiety person - always have been, even before the porn and guilt.  Porn was a way to take a break from that.  A way to shut my mind off for a while.  Now I know that I need to find a new break.  Coming here has helped a little, but I don't think I can count on that to be permanent solution.  I know I need to find something that can replace the porn when the triggers come up.  I know the triggers will always be there - I just need to get them to trigger something else.  Something positive that doesn't come with guilt and shame.

Today is Day 1 of the journal but Day 2 without any porn or images of any kind.  My hope is that I can form a new pattern of coming here daily and reporting a higher number than the day before.  With a little encouragement and understanding, I think I can do it this time.


Active Member
Of course you can make it. We're here for you. Just eliminate the things that causes you to relapse.


Day 3 without porn.  I took off work early today, and now I'm home alone.  My wife is still at work, and my son who lives with us is out.  The temptation hit pretty strong, but thankfully I was able to redirect myself away from the porn and to this site to read some stories and look for inspiration.  I know that's not going to be the ultimate answer.  I have a long way to go.

My wife and I had sex last night.  It seemed a little more satisfying  - maybe because I was feeling hope that I am really on my way to recovery this time.  Still needed medicine to get it up, though.  I'm sure that's going to take a long time to overcome. 

I've been reading about the "hard 90", and that seemed like a good goal.  But I know myself.  If the goal is too far off, I'll get discouraged.  So for now, I am just focusing on a week.  I've done that before, so I know it's doable.  But I also know that when I get to that 7th day, the imp on my shoulder is going to try to convince me that I deserve a break, a reward.  It's going to be a fight.  I see it coming.


Day 4 in the books.  Lots of temptations and triggers, but kept myself busy all day and now I'm in bed.  Exploring ideas of replacement escapes.  I think I might try to relearn the guitar.  It's been many years, but nothing to lose by trying.


Active Member
5 Great news you have started your journal. Well done mate.

It's great that you have explored ideas to replace the "bad habit" instead of playing guitar. Playing guitar takes time so Don't wait for quick results or rewards for a good work at it. It's an excellent hobby if you like good music and practice and practice, takes time. It's a good challenge. Go for it mate!

We need hobbies and good habits. We need invest our time as better as possible and don't waste more time in what it ruined our lives.

I think we have to cr?ate a List of hobbies and good habits in a new topic

Go ahead man.


Thanks, Free. Had to order some new strings to restore my old electric, but they should be here tomorrow and then I can get it restrung and start dabbling in it again. 

Day 5 has come and gone.  Very quiet day for temptations and triggers.  Spent the afternoon in my favorite warmer month hobby - yard work.  Some people look at me sideways when I talk about how much I enjoy working in the yard.  For me, it's good exercise and good thinking time.  Today was clearing weeds and cutting up a couple of trees I took down from my wooded back yard.  I save the logs as firewood for the fire pit.  My feet and hands are sore, but my heart is full because I had a positive day with no triggers. 

Trying not to get too excited.  5 days is a just a drop in the bucket I need to fill.  One drip at a time.


Active Member
It?s also the most difficult part. Just keep at it, 5. You will start to feel different and you will start to be a different man. Just keep walking with us, brother.


New Member
Congratulations on starting your journey.  I just turned 49.

I would also suggest working out as an escape.  For me, the hardest part has been giving up MO as a dopamine hit.  I've been porn-free for 22 days, and haven't had an urge to watch.

But I've figured out that wanting to MO because you're horny (like if you have a girlfriend that you haven't been able to see for a while) is a lot different than MO because you are feeling down and depressed.

I had a 15-day streak of no PMO, and then relapsed to make sure I didn't have TMS.  My second streak has been hard because I've been so down and depressed because of being rejected by a woman due to ED the first time we tried to have sex.

So I would congratulate you on your no-porn streak -- it gets easier as time goes on, and you have the right attitude.


5Dawgs, congrats on your progress.  I noticed improvements within a couple of weeks but did experience some flatlining.  I tried some viagra to help during that time but probably should have avoided sex with my wife as our sex then was bad even though our affection towards one another was better.  Stay with the process.  As I stated in my journal, I'm 6 weeks in and feel terrific.  It's amazing how a few weeks of no porn can cure several years worth of PIED.  Even more amazing is how it's helped the way my wife looks and reacts to me.  I've missed that.  You'll get that back too if you and she want it.  I'd take it slow and just do lots of little romantic things like you used to.  Remind her why she fell in love with you.  This should be easier as your wife will start to look more attractive to you and you'll want to win her heart again.  Good luck my man!


Well, Day 6 is mostly over.  Got home from work to find that the wife and son went to the gym, so I'm home alone.  The temptation is definitely real today.  But I was strong enough to open the computer and go right to this site, so I'm proud of that.  Now that I have done my check-in, I think it would be best to shut the computer off and avoid it until my family gets home.  This is the first day since starting that I've felt a real urge for porn.  Gonna fight it and come back tomorrow to claim Day 7.


Active Member
Well done mate.
You can go to the gym with them or turn off the computer and read something interesting or do lista about interests and goals you want to achieve.
No surrender! you can.


Day **9**!!!  I looked at my calendar today and realized that I had miscounted from my last PMO.  So instead of being day 7, it's actually day 9!  And a great day it was.  Productive day at work, dinner with the family, and then 2 HOURS re-learning the guitar.  I suddenly looked up and noticed it was past midnight, and I hadn't yet made my journal entry.  Headed to bed in a few minutes with a light heart for an awesome day. 


Active Member
Doing all the right things bro. I play music every night for 1-2 hours for the last ten years. It?s killer.


10 days into my reboot, and I think I'm starting to see some changes.  Mentally, not physically.  I've read comments from others talking about how their "brain fog" clears.  I don't know if that's happening for me yet or if I'm just looking for it because I read about it.  But something is different.  The last couple of days I have been thinking more about goals and motivation and success tactics, and it's like there is this sudden thirst for knowledge coming over me.  Most nights it's normal for me to sit down in front of the TV and just vegetate and become a "receiver" of whatever is coming off the screen.  But it occurred to me this morning, that I haven't even turned on the television since Sunday.  Instead I've been reading and planning and thinking about what I want to accomplish in the second half of my life.  It makes me shudder to think of the time I've wasted and allowed to be stolen from me during the first half.  It's halftime in the game and I'm way down in the score because I let my opponent have all the control.  My defense is worn out, and my offense is flustered.  I think maybe this forum is my locker room, and the guys who post here are my teammates.  Halftime in the locker room is for regrouping and adjusting the game plan.  In my case, it's actually more like creating a game plan, because I never had one.  I'm living proof that you can't win by winging it.

Ideas are coming to me out of nowhere.  My dream has always been to be a writer, a speaker, a teacher - and I've been able to enjoy little tastes of that through my career.  But I want more than a taste.  I want the whole meal.  I want to be able to do what I love most every day, and through it inspire and help improve the lives of others, and actually earn a living that way.  And for the first time in a long while, ideas on how to move in that direction are coming to me.  Inspiration is something I thought I knew, but I'm starting to wonder if I really did.  Because I am feeling inspired, but it's different this time.  There's a belief that what I want to accomplish actually CAN be. 

10 days in - isn't it too early for this?  Can this be real, or am I just imagining what I want to see?  If it is real, what's it going to be like a month in, 6 months, a year?  I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high.  This is uncharted territory for me.  It's exciting, but a bit frightening as well.  I'm afraid of falling.  If I do, will it be even harder to get back up?  Will my inspiration depreciate because my confidence gets damaged?  It's remarkable how surreal this experience is already - 10 days in.


Active Member
It is real, 5.  It?s absolutely real.  Read Gary Wilson?s book or check out his Ted talk.  You?ve been very hard on your brain. And now you?re giving it a break. Now ten days is nothing compared to 90 or 200 but it?s a huge difference from zero.  I hope you keep on the walk with me.


Active Member
I can give you good news, 5Dawgs: reboot works. I am much older than you (57),  and I was very addicted to PMO until  past New Year's eve. After 60 days of hard reboot, last week I made sex three times in one night, something which came as a sort of unexpected success for me. Over New Year I had miserably failed with my now ex-gf for four consecutive nights: when I came on this Forum and started reboot I had very little confidence that I could have had such a fast recovery. If you read here the hard reboot should last at least 90 days. Thus, I strongly encourage you to continue: you are younger than me and you have a wife, two stimulating factors.
I think that my reboot has not yet finished, and indeed since I had sex I decided to take again the hard reboot. I also keep a journal in this section, it helps me to analyse my path. Dropping other forms of non-porn addictions like seeing passively TV or checking compulsively news or other websites in my opinion is also very very important (at least it has been for me), because it helped me to getting an active role in my own life, and sex for me is an expression of this active role. I now look forward having a new stable girlfriend, feeling more confident in myself.


Active Member
Ditto what Marco said. Channel surfing is a porn sub. I can sit there and surf and I?m really just looking for hot women. It?s nonsense. And it?s the same brain poison as porn.


Active Member
I think that 5Dawgs already knew about the negative effect of non-porn addiction, as he describes in his journal he undertakes different activities like gardening etc. I just wanted to support this collateral issue. very important I believe.