This is not my imagination - Why does this keep happening....??!!


Active Member

Okay, okay. This has happened too many times now to be a coincidence or imagination.

Basically, since I started rebooting at the start of 2017, on 3-4 different occasions, I checked out a picture of a hot woman. Later on those days, I went out and, as soon as I came across a real woman, my mind starts to 'desire' them much more than my usual passive state of non-interest. (that began due to PIED, of course.)

And now today, on the way to work I was reading a news story about this pornstar, there was a non-nude picture of her. But nonetheless I looked at her for a few seconds. Later, as I left the bus and walked to work, my mind began reacting in the same way as above - it became more interested in women. (But just without the feel-good hormones.)

I can't really describe it much more than that. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Anyone know or experienced this before...?


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble following what you're saying exactly, but hopefully we can make some sense of it.

You have "porn brain".  Porn brain has a hard time understanding the difference between fake and real women.  Sometimes you see a real woman, you're turned on, so you "finish" with fake women.  At least, this is how it was for me.  It sounds to me like your brain is waffling between the two, and stuff is getting stuck.  My guess is that you're doing okay rewiring and your attractions are beginning to return to some normal state, but isn't there completely. 


Active Member
basically, If I'm exposed to a nude picture, or even of a non-nude pornstar, I start to feel different when I see a real women. Like my brain is more interested in look at them. (the real women that is.) Before this, since the start of my reboot, my normal state towards women was of none-interest.

I hope this is a sign of progress.


Staff member
DepressedAndOut said:
basically, If I'm exposed to a nude picture, or even of a non-nude pornstar, I start to feel different when I see a real women. Like my brain is more interested in look at them. (the real women that is.) Before this, since the start of my reboot, my normal state towards women was of none-interest.

I hope this is a sign of progress.

I think it's exactly what you're saying here. Don't get stressed about it - enjoy the fact that you are recovering and coming back to the real world!


Well-Known Member
malando said:
DepressedAndOut said:
basically, If I'm exposed to a nude picture, or even of a non-nude pornstar, I start to feel different when I see a real women. Like my brain is more interested in look at them. (the real women that is.) Before this, since the start of my reboot, my normal state towards women was of none-interest.

I hope this is a sign of progress.

I think it's exactly what you're saying here. Don't get stressed about it - enjoy the fact that you are recovering and coming back to the real world!

Well said.  When we're hiding in the porn cave for years, coming out to the non-porn life can feel weird.  Embrace the weird.  It is a good thing.
It's definitely a good sign.  I used to view real women with the same passive non-interest that you, and I'm sure many people here have.  Lately, though, this passive non-interest shifted from the real thing to pictures, while real women have become a lot more interesting to me.

It's a nice feeling.


Active Member
You mean it's a nice feeling that it's sign of recovery..? And not a nice feeling that it takes you picture/clips for your mind to be interested in women in real life...?

I just wanted to be sure we are on the same wavelength!


Well-Known Member
Attraction to real women: good.
Needing images to reach that attraction: not good.

A fully porn immersed person needs the images, but it doesn't actually ever translate to attraction to real women.  If anything, a mild attraction to a real woman makes a porn addict think "awesome, I should find some porn that looks like her!".  So, you see a beautiful woman with curly hair, and feel "inspired" to go to your favorite porn site and look up "curly hair" and see what comes up and fap away.

The exact sequence of what you're experiencing is new to me, that it takes a computerized stimulation to start your attractions, but it sure sounds to me like a transitional phase.  If what you're experiencing is this: "I saw some pictures of curly hair women, and that's hot" and then in real life you're suddenly attracted to curly hair women and nothing else... well, that's indicative of a too strong association with computerized sex for sure, but it is something you can work with.  You've said yourself that it is an improvement, and any movement away from the computer and towards real life, real people, (I exclude paid people, strippers, escorts and so forth... they are "acting" as much as the porn stars, just without cameras) is a movement away from porn. 

Your ultimate goal is to not need a computer image to have you interested in anything in real life, and it is good to keep your eyes on the prize.

Think of it like second puberty.  You're a boy, then you're a man.  But, in between you're this really weird lanky thing with a squeaky voice and a creepy moustache.  There is bound to be an awkward phase between the two.


Active Member
"I saw some pictures of curly hair women, and that's hot" and then in real life you're suddenly attracted to curly hair women and nothing else... well, that's indicative of a too strong association with computerized sex for sure,"

Thankfully those sort of things aren't happening. Although, I seem to be less and less attracted to the sort of girls that I was attarcted to before PIED. (Natural beauty and clean cut.)


DepressedAndOut said:

Okay, okay. This has happened too many times now to be a coincidence or imagination.

Basically, since I started rebooting at the start of 2017, on 3-4 different occasions, I checked out a picture of a hot woman. Later on those days, I went out and, as soon as I came across a real woman, my mind starts to 'desire' them much more than my usual passive state of non-interest. (that began due to PIED, of course.)

And now today, on the way to work I was reading a news story about this pornstar, there was a non-nude picture of her. But nonetheless I looked at her for a few seconds. Later, as I left the bus and walked to work, my mind began reacting in the same way as above - it became more interested in women. (But just without the feel-good hormones.)

I can't really describe it much more than that. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Anyone know or experienced this before...?

Well we all started like that , If you have rebooted for long the first time you see porn or naked images again will not set you back immediately, but give you that spike you once had when you saw it for the first time.

I remember before I escalated and got PIED when I saw naked pics of a girl, later on I would want to tear the clothes of a girl I'd see in the street just to see how she looked under if you know what I mean lol

Dont get lured that's how I got addicted in the first place but you know how goes on this time so avoid it