Any scientific basis behind this?


Active Member

Basically the guy is saying for every year that you have fapped, it will take you 2 months to recover.

So if you've been fapping for 10 years, it would take 20 months for you on hardmode to recover.

Any scientific basis behind this??


Well-Known Member
I've been masturbating to porn for over 40 years and my first reboot took me only around 30-40 days. So, I don't think his rule is valid. There are lots of other guys on this site who've been masturbating for years and have recovered in 90 days or less. Others take much longer. My reboot is taking much longer this time.

Stop watching porn, stop fantasising about porn and you will hopefully heal in 3-6 months, if not sooner. Doing hardmode seems to speed things up but I guess everyone is different.

If you think it's going to take 20 months to recover you'll just get depressed, think it's impossible and relapse. My advice is to give yourself an achievable goal like 3 days with no porn, no fantasying about porn and no masturbation. After you've completed 3 days just promise yourself one extra day, then another, then another and before you realise it you'll have done the 90 and be well on your way to recovering.