Mastubation Anxiety


Active Member
i?ve noticed that everytime i masturbate like for exemple 3 or 4 days in a row even if is just in the shower with my imagination and no porn involved i tend to get a little more short tempered and anxious!!! i don?t  have any fisical symptom like erectile disfunction and i?m not usualy anxious so it can only be duo to masturbation!! is it hormone related? what is the physiological explanation?


Active Member
I can't cite you to a research paper on the subject, but in my experience, masturbation and anxiety go hand in hand. Before I even started using porn and just masturbated regularly, I noticed a steady increase in anxiety. I believe this is due to the highs and lows that come with the release of dopamine. Your brain is affected by masturbation/porn in more ways than you think. If you keep giving yourself repeated doses of dopamine and adrenaline by masturbating, your anxiety will likely increase. You stop masturbating, your anxiety subsides.


Active Member
yes and is pretty easy at least in my case to make that connection!!! i was never an anxious person so the masturbation is the only variable that can be causing it!!! it is very interesting!! and if you know any article or paper on it please let me know and thank you!!!!