Respect yourself and what you have done!!!


Active Member
Maybe my life has not always been superlative in recent days.  However I have accomplished
a great many things over my 60 years.  Yes, and through it all I have kept my virginity
which is one accomplishment which I can always say I kept.  For many years I did feel
it was a good thing.  It's only in recent years I've sometimes felt otherwise.

However the only thing that changed was my thinking.  Thinking makes us what we
are.  Thinking gets us to where we want to be.  If our thinking is "wrong," then there
is a plan B, and if necessary C, D, E, and etc., until the end of time.  We all have
a purpose.  Every goal you have in mind you are destined to achieve.

(It might take 20 years but you can achieve it.)

Here is something I read which is encouraging me today:

"Self-deprecation is one thing, self-defamation is another. Don't lower others expectations of you by doing it for them. Talking your self down (or excessively up) both smack of insecurity.

Avoid making sweeping, negative generalizations about yourself from one isolated incident. Accept your imperfections and focus on potential, not limitations. Don't feel compelled to mask your mistakes, view them as hard-earned progress towards an even better you. And resist the natural temptation to compare yourself to others--compare only to who you were yesterday.

You also must be cognizant to avoid beating down others in an attempt to preserve your own self-confidence. Start by taking responsibility for your actions. The question isn't 'who's to blame' but 'what's to be done?'

The bottom line is that you'd never want to make someone else that's extraordinary feel ordinary--why should it be any different for you?"