Day 11


New Member
Well it's day 11 and I'm just waking up. Almost had an nocturnal emission this morning. The first 10 days of this journey have been hell. I've had mood swings, panic attacks, days of feeling very fatigued, no motivation, urges to relapse, brain fog, and social anxiety(to the max). All of which I still feel, except they seem to be decreasing somewhat. The only benefit I've gotten so far from this go around is that my voice is deeper again. They say after 7 days of nofap that your testosterone peaks. It took 10 for me to notice the difference.
Also I've noticed an odd sensation in my prostate, but that is steadily getting better as well.
I will be updating regularly on this thread I'll try to keep it short. Maybe you can follow along with me even if it's day one.