Finally seeking help (imaquitter)


Active Member
Fantastic Akpal  :D

I had a slip 18 days ago. But then we can follow each other as you are one day ahead of me ;D


Active Member
TheHeartacheKid said:
Stay strong friend.  4 weeks!  I know you've done it before, but it doesn't make any less impressive this time!

Thanks THK, just what I needed to hear today :-[
Will stay strong!!!

Good night


Active Member
If you MO'd with no P, don't be too hard on yourself.  I understand you want to avoid it, but it's not a relapse.  if we weren't addicted to something associated with MO, we'd think nothing of it.  Sometimes we MO and it's just normal.  But it is a gateway drug, so of course be cautious and of course continue to pursue the goals you set for yourself.

You're somewhere in the 70s as far as days without PMO, and you mentioned wanting to get to 90.  Damn near there my friend!  You'll get to 90, and I'm sure you'll get a even more days beyond that.  Stay strong!


Respected Member
I find a period with occasional MO unavoidable in reboot. Ideally MO being as vanilla and non-triggering as possible.

Wish you well and seeing you as free from P