Day Four

This is as long as I have gone in many years. I guess I should be proud of myself. I have found Facebook is also a trap. I am holding strong. Bad start for the Yankees but hopefully they keep it competitive!


Respected Member
Four days is pretty good considering your addiction. The first few days are killers. Get past 10 days and let us know how you feel. See what happens after ten days and go from there
Today makes day six. The longest I have gone since I was 13. I am feeling depression today. Like I won't survive if I don't have an O. Trying to ignore that feeling. I have something to occupy me this evening. Hopefully that will get me through.


Active Member
I have gone through exactly this, not having been celibate for more than a week since age 13.  It is going to suck but you CAN do it.  Practice the RAIN technique.  Let yourself feel the urge without acting on it.  I am praying for you and believe in you.  It is going to be uncomfortable, but you can make it through the discomfort.