Why is there so much of incest porn out there??


Well-Known Member
I agree that it is a feminine trait, but I'd stop short of saying it is "most".  Well, ideally anyway.  Flip it around and take the example "guys like slutty girls".  Is this true?  Often.  Do slutty girls do a good job at getting men's attention and holding onto them?  Yeah, I suppose.  But, a man's attraction to women is (hopefully) more complicated than that.  And, a woman who is not slutty can be a truly beautiful thing.  But, porn gets in the way and tells us that we SHOULD want the slutty girls, or that the ones who aren't slutty are either A) prudes, or B) secretly slutty and just lying to us (there is another thread on here that goes into that).

I might say the same for kind, gentle men.  They don't get much credit in 2018.  Women aren't told that they are the kinds of guys they should want.  They're in the same boat of being fed horrible messages.  They don't get any special insights that we don't, they're wandering in the dark just as well. 

At risk of grandstanding, embrace who you are.  The fact is that the world needs more guys who are kind and gentle, and those men deserve to be husbands and fathers. 


DoneAtLast said:
The part about it having a strong appeal to women fascinates me.  It makes me think of the whole "Fifty Shades" genre, and the dark, sad side of female arousal that involves exploitation.  Do you have any thoughts on why it is more popular among women?

Well, first we need to clarify that the data was specific regarding women that consume porn on certain sites. This data metric was released by a group of mainstream porn streaming sites (i.e. pornhub, redtube, and others if I remember correctly) based on their web traffic analytics. Likewise that data can only be so complete because it relies heavily on someone's gender being established on those sites in the first place. So the data had to have only reflected users that created profiles on the sites. Additionally we can't discount that some of those profiles could me male users listing themselves as females for anonymity or whatever other reason one would do that. So that data reflects a certain type of person that I suspect is no different to us or who we used to be before all this got out of control. After we consider that, the data metric isn't exhaustive and has room for error. But nevertheless it is still interesting.

I imagine it is popular among women the same reasons any type of porn is popular to anybody: escalation, porn fetishes, possible psychological issues, and general curiosity. But if we take it as face value there could be some unrequited desire or fantasy for a family member that they explore through porn. Could be daddy issues or other psychological problems. It could be that they need to have that angle because regular porn is now boring to them. It could be an attraction to the taboo. If you are mentioning the 50 shades crowd, that was what it seemed to be all about. I never read the books but I heard it was associated around BDSM and emotional abuse. I remember that bit of info due to the news reports when the movies came out and how the BDSM crowd claimed that it extremely misrepresented their community. But all those things are taboo and people tend to be interested in taboo things.

Now if we want to theorize that women want dominant men, that could be possible too. There is a woman I have on going relations with who is into being dominated aggressively. But I wouldn't personally say women respond to dominance and aggression so much as confidence, self-assurance, and a dash of aloof indifference to outcomes based on what I've seen through personal experience and vicarious lessons.


I feel like this conversation is no longer relevant or helpful to recovering porn addicts.  Could we possibly bring it back to a useful conversation?




Respected Member
Things in the media such as that 50 Shades rubbish can defnately influence ones sexual practices. Women (and men for that matter) see all the hype surrounding it and everyone talking about it and give it a try. Some like it, some dont. Its when it gets out of hand and becomes dangeorus or illegal that it becomes a big problem. But, to each his / her own I guess


I think the moderator and several others hit it on the head concerning incest porn. The industry keeps coming up with so many new types of porn to keep you interested and enslaved to their product. When you go to porn sites there are hundreds of categories to go to, all kinds of supposedly different sex. They try to keep you hooked by coming up with more and more sex scenarios. It corrodes your mind, it has mine. Been almost clean for a month now but had 2 small relapses . My mind is feeling better, haven't had porn on my mind like I use to. It's not all gone but hopefully the longer I go. Porn is a money making business but the side effect is horrible for sex worker and viewer. Glad when I finally get rid of this crap. 


Respected Member
Yes of course. This is still a releavant topic. The scumbags who make this porn know that there is an unlimited amount of people who will want to try to get off over this type of porn and they going to keep making this type of stuff until, well, there's no limit until when they going to keep making it and making it. As long as they have the demand they're  gonna supply it.
if the hit counts on these videos continue to go up they're going to continue to supply it.