Sexual thoughts - Natural or not natural?


Active Member
I find it hard to believe that us, as beings that are hard wired sexually, don't find sexual thoughts as a part of everyday life!

So, as some on here have claimed that it is not necessary natural to fantasize about sex - can you tell me what are the evidence behind it, please??



Well-Known Member
Well, eating is natural, thinking about eating is natural, and even fantasizing about eating is natural.  But, if we fantasize about eating all the time and it becomes a preoccupation, that isn't natural.  It isn't natural if we fantasize about eating ridiculous amounts of food, kinds of food that don't really exist, if we get anxiety attacks about not having enough food or the right kinds of food (assuming proper nutrition is not a problem for us), and it isn't natural to fantasize about food while we chew on a sock, mimicking the mastication process, while receiving no real nourishment.  Eating disorders like bulemia also exist, where we indulge in food, but then reject the nutrition/calories it provides, and wreak havoc on our bodies in the process.

Similarly, sexual thoughts, especially when influenced by porn, take something very natural and turn it into something incredibly unnatural very quickly.


great example with food because people are fat, use food to feel good and cope with life and overeat all the time.



I dunno how natural it is but I think it's better to forgo fantasy. The reason is because a) you're conditioning yourself to sexual scenarios created completely within your own head, and thus developing your sense of sexuality in a lonely way rather than through interaction with another person*, and b) it's kind of a waste of energy, I'd rather devote that energy to something meaningful. Also in my experience that waste of energy can make the real thing less enjoyable than it otherwise would be.

*There's been actual research finding that the average person devotes a lot more time to sexual fantasy than actual sex, so their fantasies are potentially conditioning their sexuality much more strongly than the actual act is.