Mastering my compulsions Age-20


Hello! This is the story of a young man on his journey to end the decade long self abuse regimen. It all started at the age of ten when I discovered my first porn archive. This site had and endless amount of pictures on any fetish you can think of. I don't particularly remember the site itself but I do remember the those early days being the best days of my life. I was instantly hooked and revisited the site atleast once a day and within a few months I would be visiting it anywhere from 2 to 3 times a day. This has continued for the last decade of my life and its rather apparent that this is a debilitating addiction because I can't quit cold turkey. So I will reach out to others, offer support, and build relationships in a more normal way. Thank you guys for being here for me.

I'm not sure if this has been posted or not but this will be one method i will use to aid myself in reboot. I would like to introduce you all to what I like to call the CHIA PET method of abstinence. Today being day number one of my reboot while in the shower I shaved my nether regions. I will no longer shave myself until I feel as though I have been fully rehabilitated. I'm hoping that this will give me a rather rough estimate of how long its been since my last PMO. Any other methods that you think might help would be greatly appreciated!


Day - 2
As far as the masturbation goes I haven't had any urges to watch porn or even pleasure myself. I even watched the movie Nymphomaniac which is entirely based upon sex (a post soon to come about this movie at a later date as it has had a rather captivating effect on me). I did have a symptom that occurs often in many chronic masturbaters sometimes complain about through out work that includes a sensitivity to light. I work outdoors and today there wasn't a cloud in sight as far as the eye could see which made it hard for me to see without squinting so hard my eyes were practically closed or looking at the ground. This seems to have a profound affect on my social interactions at work due to the fact  that I can't look someone in the eyes when I'm outside and knowing that this body language sends the message of submission and lack of interest makes me feel poorly as I am trying to engage others as much as they engage me in conversations. Another affect of chronic masturbation has on the vision is something called eye floaters in which someone sees dark spots that spontaneously float through the sight. I experienced this on the drive home as I focused on the road I had these dark spots occur randomly and seemed to flow into a central spot that absorbed about a quarter of my vision. While not debilitating it is certainly annoying and concerning although there is scientific research that psychedelics have been know to produce similar effects especial a chemical which I partook in very shortly known as 25-I NOMBE.