Rewiring and Headaches

Is there a connection between your brain rewiring and headaches?  I'm 10 months into my reboot and still struggling with ED and PE.  Recently I've started having headaches.  They usually occur around dinner time.  I've been taking Advil and moving on.  Not paying much attention to the cause.  I assumed it was dehydration.  As I've read about symptoms others have shared and the mention of headaches, I wonder if my headache is caused by my brain rewiring. 



Active Member
I have not had anything like that. I?m also 10 months in, or will be December 7. Still having  ED and PE here too. The only headache I?ve had in the last few weeks I believe is from a cold. Gone after a couple days.
How long has this been going on? Do you usually have migraines? Allergies? New medication/supplements? Have you had this before? Any activities or food/drink that seem to bring it on? Sounds strange, I?d get to a doctor, mate. If it was dehydration I think you?d wake up with headaches and also have dry skin and lips, before dinner time.
The aches and pains for reboot I?ve read about are usually in the beginning, more like withdrawals.
All the best,
Thanks.  The headaches are likely not related.  I'm on a lot of supplements and it very well could be dehydration.  I was just being hopeful and curious if anyone else had experienced this.