From Spain, in the same fight.


New Member
Hi all.
This is my eighth day free pornography and masturbation.

I feel lucky to have found the page of your brain on porn, I live in Madrid and there is not much information on the subject in Spanish. I have read all the information related to the subject and I hope to overcome it, from time to time I take a look at the forum, I read stories and motivated people, that helps me.

I've had problems with pornography since I was 16, if I remember correctly. I didn?t think it was a problem then, everybody did it. Now I am 25 and I know it is a big problem, it has brought me countless frustrations on a sexual and loving level.

The idea that the damage I have was caused by pornography never occurred to me, before I thought that there was simply something wrong in me and that maybe I could never have a serious relationship.
Most of the time that I tried to have sex I just couldnt get hard, also now when I saw the videos of reboot nation on youtube I identified with almost all the symptoms. I went to a couple of sexologists, and could not find the cause of the problem, although it was always there in sight.

I have identified with many of the stories read here and on YBOP, and I know it's time to change. So far (eighth day) I have felt very well, which seems strange to me, the only thing I have noticed is my dick a little limp and shrunken. I keep counting the days and observing what happens, I understand that each story is different.

Every time pornography comes into my mind I try to think about the time and love opportunities that I have lost, that gives me a lot of strength. I don?t wanna waste one more day. At the moment I dont have a specific plan. I want to reach 90 days and see what happens.

I have learned to meditate with youtube tutorials, and it has worked quite well, that helps me a lot to release the frustration and understand the process of change.

I really thank everyone for the help, and those who have already overcome it by sharing and motivating us to know that it is possible to change, today I?m doing this and feeling more motivated than ever.

Nacho C


te felicito por tu valentía para compartir tu lucha y tu historia. Me ayudó mucho. Ojalá sigas peleando! Puedes contar conmigo.

Me gustaría tomar contacto contigo para conversar sobre nuestras luchas. A mi me pasaron muchas cosas como las que contas.

Te dejo mi testimonio:

Un saludo,
