Perhaps we've already rebooted


There's a chance many of us have already finished our reboots, but are lacking the rewiring necessary to cure the ED.  I've done hardmode for 107 days now which sounds like it should be ample time for the brain to reconfigure itself.  Only 4 of those 107 days were spent on rewiring though. Perhaps many of us  have already rebooted and the next step to regaining libido and breaking PIED is to spend more and more time around women and to be physical with them to allow our brains to reset to what we are naturally supposed to be attracted to.  Thoughts? 


New Member
I feel like I want to be SURE before not being able to get it up with a girl and send myself into a high stress paranoia



One thing I'm noticing after two weeks, is the flat line is definitely showing signs of recovery.

The one thing I notitice, is I start to find myself more easily turned on by women, without needing some crazy fantasy to be rolling around in my head. And I've experienced this when I've binged.

I get to a point where I need a video of 102% of the last video I watched to get a high, while not recovering. But once I spend a few weeks in recovery, I could get unbelievably turned on by a video 80%, a video I dismissed as not being interested in while not in recovery.

We can definitely reverse the trend.