IS this a "GOOD" relapse??


Good morning, guys, today was my fourth month without PMO and, during the past week, I felt a lot of sexual desire every day.

Every day, I ended up in M ??and almost every day, and sometimes I even ran a little.

Today I decided to end this period and decided to start a new reboot, so I did the PMO as I used to do and, in fact, I feel better now, more relaxed and without that anxiety and that uncomfortable feeling.

I am now decided to start a new reboot with the same strenght as last  reboot.

But, I want to know if that's good and positive, if that four months were useful or just a waste of time and strenght.

Thank you all.


New Member
Its fine, well done for 4 months, but as an advice, when u feel like you cant hold it, just masturbate without watching porn, because its all about the desire and the need for u to cum.
i have started rebooting since 2 weeks, and i started feeling like the whole world is in my hand. It worthsss


Active Member
Don?t waste your time and energy putting a label on that four months.

Learn from your mistake and try not do it in the future.  Since the relapse is fresh in your mind try and think of what your thoughts and feelings were prior to using.  Write them down and try to think of alternatives you can try to relieve the temptation.  As the previous post mentions, you can always masturbate without porn.


Active Member
You don't state your age in your profile but I assume you are younger. I suggest reading the book "Your Brain on Porn". If you are younger your brain trains quicker and cements faster, making recovery from a porn addiction take longer. The reason you felt sexual tension this week is that the DeltaFosB was being removed from your brain causing it to return to normal. Now that you PMO'd a dopamine shot was given to your brain and some of the DeltaFosB returned, causing you to feel calm and relaxed. If you plan on looking at porn again 4 months from now you are still addicted to porn and it will affect your brain. The problem is that in 2 or 3 days your brain will be begging for the same release again; your brain will be doing everything it can to get you to give it some more dopamine. This is why people find it impossible to quit. Most people sooner or later fall back into the same old habits and it starts with just one hit. About 28% of men are addicted to porn. One thing researchers have found out is that in order to avoid total relapse into the same old habits, whether it is alcohol, drugs, or porn, you can't indulge in it at all. About 10% or so of people that drink become alcoholics; alcohol does not affect everyone the same way. Porn does not affect everyone the same way. THe best way to recover from alcoholism is to quit drinking and then never touch another drop; if you drink that first drink, chances are you will go back to the same habits again.

On the other hand don't beat yourself up over a failure, just set a goal for the future and keep on keeping on. THe four months clean that you had have been very beneficial to you; you have been retraining your brain back to a normal state. This "reboot" will probably be easier than your last. Just keep in mind that the temptation to view more porn will be very strong again in a couple days or a week or whatever and not to fall back into the same habit.