Flatline right now


Well-Known Member
Hey CB, glad to read you are still going strong! Excellent work man!

The fact that you know those thoughts are anxiety related is a great achievement to me! You write that you know that your relationship is good, that the sex is good and that porn is bad.
And although your OCD is acting up and trying to disrupt those good things, you know that it's not true.

So despite your OCD ( and I can imagine that OCD can be a very powerful influence that a person without it can't possibly fathom) you still chose not to act on those thoughts
Yes, you get anxiety, but you are aware what is causing it. And I think that is a great achievement for taking control of your compulsive thoughts. You can't control the thoughts maybe, but you do control whether you act on them or let them take you over.

You know CB, i am very impressed that you are managing all this! Great job man.

May I ask how you cope with the OCD thoughts / anxiety? I'm very curious



Well-Known Member
Hey CB, how are you doing man?

It's been a while, please lets us know how you are doing! We're still here to support you!


Active Member
Hi Shade! Thanks for asking. Actually It?s been pretty bad this last couple of days. I?ve gone to sexchat sites and stuff. Haven?t pmo though, but this is exactly as bad. I need to keep away, thinking about removing instagram because of all triggers. It?s an automatic behaviour for me, to just go and have a little more peeking.
I can?t see pictures that are sexually challenging anymore. At least for now..

Hope you?re doing great. I have to stay away off the internet a lot more.
I?ll check in here once a day as a goal though.


Well-Known Member
Hey CB, great to hear from you again, even though you are not in the best place right now.

What would be the main reason for keeping instagram? If you don't have a really strong, well motivated reason you might as well remove it if it's causing you problems with beating the addiction.

So yes, keep away from the internet for now, with the exeption of RebootNation of course!
I hope to see you post here (and on other threads as well) for the coming time. You know it helps and encourages.

Anyway, don't beat yourself up about the sexchat sites man. We all go through our ups and downs and sometimes we just lack the defences at the moment to withstand temptation.

So, what were the triggers that lead to you automated behaviour? That is something that you do need to focus on i think. It's the key to getting back on that horse and making sure you won't fall off next time!

Keep it up man, as always I (and all of us here) are rooting for you!



Hey CB, how have things been going?

I noticed you haven't posted in a while. I hope this is a sign that things are going well with recovery. Wishing you all the best.

Take care