My road to recovery


It's day 63 and I'm still on the wagon! In the last few days I've noticed something of a dramatic change in sexual health. I've finally hit the point where my morning wood actually feels strong. The last little bit it's been strong erections when I wake up that last several minutes and for the first time since I started my reboot it's happening several consecutive days in a row. I also did a little test earlier and although I didn't MO, I realized that I was able to get an erection on my own without any porn or porn fantasy.. just a little stimulation from pure sensation. I left it at that as I still don't really want to resume with MO as it's strongly associated with PMO for me and may lead to porn cravings. Just over two months ago my PIED was way worse than it is now and that never would have happened, nor could I have sex without taking Cialis, so to me this is HUGE.

I also got a very exciting text today where my gf linked me to a job posting with the company she works for that's actually a great fit for my education and experience, pays a bit more than what I'm making now, and would eliminate some of the problems I'm having at my current job with allergies, etc. She went and asked them and apparently we'd be on equal footing in our respective jobs so a conflict of interest wouldn't prevent me from getting it. We'll have to discuss a little more tonight just to make sure this is really a good idea but I'm excited about the possibility. It's funny how I was just complaining about my job in my last post and suddenly life might be throwing me a bone here. We'll see what happens!