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Active Member
Dont drink Lero, remember that drink is one of your triggers, could be the main trigger.
Replace drink with fruit or something healthier


Free-man said:
Dont drink Lero, remember that drink is one of your triggers, could be the main trigger.
Replace drink with fruit or something healthier

That's what I should do.


Active Member
Iloveicecream, looks like a good list of what to do better next time.
Keep strong, I?ve  always found the days after a slip particularly difficult, because of the ?chaser? effect. Seems like the primitive part of the brain thinks ?I?ve had some, now I need to get some more while it?s available.?
It is possible to get through it and if you can you will have converted a slip into a victory.
You?re on the right track!
Big Mog, thank you for your encouraging words.

Yesterday I just fell asleep together with my was good....I had no thoughts About pmo....It is actually strange: when I was 20, pmo thoughts crossed my mind many times per hour...nowadays I really think About seems like some residuals that I want to get rid of...
Day 3:

Yesterday evening I watched my favourite tv Show....I think this helps as I did not have triggers at all.....I had one beer and then I fell asleep deeply. no thoughts About pmo......I want to get out more in the real world and interact more.....the whole Problem is pmo is Isolation......but we humans Need to interact with other I want to spend more time with Friends, Family and new Friends..... anyways I woke up and felt happy....hope all of you will be very super strong!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Too true.... isolation makes things worse, but addiction and the sensitisation / de-sensitisation process erodes those neural pathways that motivate us to connect.... so we've got to push ourselves to say "yes" to as many opportunities to interact with others as possible.... Live in the open, not is the shadows  :D. Best wishes to you for today.
day 4:

porn never crosses my minds, only Subs sometimes. yesterday I exercised twice so I was too tired. I do one hour of Meditation and one hour of Sports....after that there is tranquility in our Brains....

I love my life and so I have some good reasons to stay strong. Love is stronger than addiction.
actually, there is another Benefit to not pmoing. PMO is one dimensional. We only use our eyes. In real life we use all of our senses. So this real life is a lot richer than staring at a screen where People Exchange stds for free...
actually touching myself can be fun Need for extra Stimulation......It takes more Energy but it is more rewarding and in the end I gain more....I think I am finally leaving the vicious circle.....It is better to think About our dreams...our time is limited on the earth so why not discover the world.....hope all of you will be strong today.....I will clean up the house.....that will clean up my brain too.....take care everyone....


Active Member
Yeah, you're right?There's a complete new world out there behind the wall. I hope discover it someday soon.
I liked that thing about clean your house clean your mind!
Take care too!


I read your post about loneliness. I totally agree with that being one of many culprits. Hang in there. As I've said to my grandson, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. We are wired so differently that it's mindboggling! How awesome that because of our wiring, we guys can opening express our strengths and our weaknesses. Make today a day of victory not defeat.